Polyhouse Construction - Questions

Dear All,

I am planning a 1000sft polyhouse for organic home grown vegetables at my new home

Right now we have levelled the land and next week proposing to make beds using redsoil and cowdung + coconut coir mixture.

I also happened to speak with polyhouse manufacturer's locally and they quote around Rs.850 to Rs.1600 depending on level of automation required. The fully computerized one with ventilator fan, cooling pad, moisture sensors, humidity controllers etc looked like gonna burn me heavy. So considered the basic model without any automation. Got few offers as well.

Here are few queries:

1)I am advised to disinfect the land after making bunds using formalin solution, is it absolutely required? I am thinking no chemicals no fertilizers ever, ever! So anyother natural way to disinfec the land? Neem water?

2)What shape would require for a climate in Coimbatore, am advised Gable shaped as arc type is suggested for cold climates. Does shape really matter? At the end of the day dont it depend on what thickness or what material we use for cladding?

3)As my company is into solar water pumping systems, using our existing resource in precision fabrication of structures, I tried to evaluate the cost for the polyhouse including LDPE 200 microns for 1000sft, and it worked to be apprx Rs.45 a sft i.e Rs 490/sq.m. Is this cost realistic or are there companies offering readymade solutions much cheaper saving me the pain?
I considered tunnel type arc structure using MS pipes accomodating 50' * 20' with ridge height to be 7ft.Does height matter as well?

4)I read somewhere preferred direction is south - north and East and south sun is excellent for the green house, which can remain open on both these sides, but it should be shaded on the north and the west to protect from winds, is this how design constraints are normally considered?

5) What life typically bamboo polyhouse offers?

6)Last but not the least, if my poly house cost works out to Rs.45,000 for 1000sft, will I still get any subsidy? If so how much? Also like most of the Govt schemes is the subsidy given to the benefciary only if purchased from a list of empanelled manufacturer's or as an individual would I be able to get any?

The produce is not planned for commercial and is for our own use with kith and kin. So not expecting a return, but strongly considering this as a prototype , success of against which considering large scale farming.

So seeking opinion from polyhouse farming experts here.


Saravana Kumar


New Member
Dear All,

I am planning a 1000sft polyhouse for organic home grown vegetables at my new home

Right now we have levelled the land and next week proposing to make beds using redsoil and cowdung + coconut coir mixture.

I also happened to speak with polyhouse manufacturer's locally and they quote around Rs.850 to Rs.1600 depending on level of automation required. The fully computerized one with ventilator fan, cooling pad, moisture sensors, humidity controllers etc looked like gonna burn me heavy. So considered the basic model without any automation. Got few offers as well.

Here are few queries:

1)I am advised to disinfect the land after making bunds using formalin solution, is it absolutely required? I am thinking no chemicals no fertilizers ever, ever! So anyother natural way to disinfec the land? Neem water?

2)What shape would require for a climate in Coimbatore, am advised Gable shaped as arc type is suggested for cold climates. Does shape really matter? At the end of the day dont it depend on what thickness or what material we use for cladding?

3)As my company is into solar water pumping systems, using our existing resource in precision fabrication of structures, I tried to evaluate the cost for the polyhouse including LDPE 200 microns for 1000sft, and it worked to be apprx Rs.45 a sft i.e Rs 490/sq.m. Is this cost realistic or are there companies offering readymade solutions much cheaper saving me the pain?
I considered tunnel type arc structure using MS pipes accomodating 50' * 20' with ridge height to be 7ft.Does height matter as well?

4)I read somewhere preferred direction is south - north and East and south sun is excellent for the green house, which can remain open on both these sides, but it should be shaded on the north and the west to protect from winds, is this how design constraints are normally considered?

5) What life typically bamboo polyhouse offers?

6)Last but not the least, if my poly house cost works out to Rs.45,000 for 1000sft, will I still get any subsidy? If so how much? Also like most of the Govt schemes is the subsidy given to the benefciary only if purchased from a list of empanelled manufacturer's or as an individual would I be able to get any?

The produce is not planned for commercial and is for our own use with kith and kin. So not expecting a return, but strongly considering this as a prototype , success of against which considering large scale farming.

So seeking opinion from polyhouse farming experts here.


Saravana Kumar
Please send your queries at aaranshgroup@gmail.com
we will provide you all the relevant answers.


New Member
I am Muthu Kumar, Horticulture graduate, working in the Landscape industry in middle east and singapore for the last 13 years. But, my passion has always been hi-tech farming. Now i am planning to quit my job and return back to India with this motivation. I like to purchase a farm land near Trichy/Pudukkottai

I am interested in protected cultivation(flowers or vegetables under Poly house) and would like to set up a poly house in my farm (initially with 1 acre land). Please advise me on the NHB subsidy available for this project .

Also, I need suggestion on trusted consultancy/consultant (anywhere in Tamil Nadu) who would help me from the scratch until cultivation - helping with construction, subsidy, project reports, bank loans, etc.


Muthu Kumar

Vanakam Muthukumar,

Great to see someone from Tamil Nadu interested in hitech farming.

I am also in the process of setting up one infact a small one as pilot project and see how it goes before venturing large scale.

When I enquired with many companies, they say the NHB's benchmark cost for poly house is Rs.935 per sqm out of which they provide around 50% to 70% state to state.

So what i am doing is going to build low cost polyhouse which works out cheapest for me.

Do get in touch if interested.


Saravana Kumar
Greencurrent Solar Energy Systems
09566600477 or saravana.kumar@greencurrent.in


New Member
Dear Saravana Kumar.

I am also planning a 800sft polyhouse for organic home grown vegetables and feasible fruits at my home

I have levelled the land and will be making beds using redsoil and cowdung (Is coconut coir mixture a must?)

I have considered the basic model without any automation. What is your experience on this?

Here are few queries:

1)I am advised to disinfect the land after making bunds using formalin solution, is it absolutely required? I am thinking no chemicals no fertilizers ever, ever! So anyother natural way to disinfec the land? Neem water? Even I do not want to use formalin solution.Could u please suggest.

2)I am planning for a tunnel shaped one.Does shape really matter? We have very good rains here.

3) I considered tunnel type arc structure using MS pipes accomodating 40' * 20' with ridge height to be 7ft.Does height matter as well? what is yr experience?

4)I read somewhere preferred direction is south - north and East and south sun is excellent for the green house, which can remain open on both these sides, but it should be shaded on the north and the west to protect from winds, is this how design constraints are normally considered? Any comments?

The produce is not planned for commercial and is for our own use. Kindly advise


Shaji Lekshmanan
