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Total Records: 350036
First Name City Reason for signing up Username
Dr. Devvrat devvrat1
Ms. Sunitha grameenaunnathi
Saroja BANGALORE I need labour for my farm near Bangalore 1454bg
Sandalwood Savage Oud based perfumes based on our own unique and also designer fragrances. dreamoil
Mr. Anant Harihar anantbhakare
Arun arunpatel
Mr. M. Lakshmi laxminarayanan
Mr chandrashekhar1
Mr. Sai saikrishna1
Dr. Manoharan manoharankrishna
Mr. M. G. mgsatyanarayana
Dr. Prasanna prasannakolar
Pranay Nashik pranaysalve
Roopa Bangalore roopag123
VIJAYAN 2/140, Raju Nagar, Chinnampalayam, Pollachi Plantation and Gardening vu2wdp
Ramesh Kumar Hyderabad, India, Telangana, India looking for agri/ coffee farm/resort land i Anath Giri mandal, jrk1959
Mr. Sachin sachinbakshi1
Mr mahalingaiah1
Mr. Achyuth Reddy achyuthreddy
Stanislas tirunelveli I have 5 acre land to lease samichael
Sujit Kumar Hyderabad Looking for guidance on organic farming, have to start from scratch with minimum required land sujit389
Pramod Mumbai Consulting for mango/ kaju farm near ganpatiphule hariom31_
Sri Coimbatore To know more about subsidy schemes and how to proceed and develop my thoughts into reality sri_98
Manish khandwa Knowledge sahula
Monappa Puttur Looking for agriculture worker near mangalore kemanaje8
SNEHAL pune Buy land at Talegaon snehal4sa
Joseph Jobby josephjobby
Mr. Surajit surajitsinha
Mahesh Kuwait To get latest updates on the happenings in relation with agriculture and education mahip2004
GuruSiyag jaipur information gurusiyag
Love baghpat I have a rice mill in Baghpat Uttar pradesh. i want to sale my rice mill . i have all machine with Sortex. if any one interested plz call me 9716615967 lkskumar
Mx New Delhi am agriculture student that way i can join this site mxplayer
Syed Coimbatore I am going to purchase agricultural land in coonoor and I need guidance from your side atheeq177
Girish Jabalpur, girishgajbhiye123
Sivakumar gobichettipalayam looking for cow forming gssivag
kktravels gandhinagar for information kktravels
Mr. Niraj nirajshah
Mr. Tejas tejasjoshi
ashok hyderabad want agri land agriash10
ashif mannarkad I'm planning to start a farming business ashifali
Delzaad Mumbai delzaad123
Ayyanarrealestate Pudukkottai Sale And Advertising selva2448
Madhumitha Coimbatore Learning and get knowledge to make a business on pearl cultivation madh10
Mr. Kulkarni hbkulkarni
Mr. Vinod Kumar vinodkumar1
NITIN nitinsinghal1
Pavan pavan1
Sunil Kochi Our company needs red chili and wheat seed. sunil_b
Peaceful Trichy Looking to purchase Agricultural Property weyfarer
Dheeraj Vijayawada Learn about different ways to farm dheeraj_k
Dr. Surangna drsurangna
Mr. Sushil Kumar sushilkumar1
Mr palaniswamy123
Dr.Shailesh drshailesh
Simmi Ranjan simmiranjan
Dr. Venkata Sameer drventakasameer
Jeevan Pune jeevank123
Kshitij Hyderabad Hire Agriculture Labour prthufarm
Madhusudan HV Bangalore madhusudanhv
Prabu Erode prabushankar
VG Kalyan Looking for contract farmer who will do farming on my land near Satara Dist Maharashtra. Want to give my land on rent for contract farming contract1
Ketan chiplun We are Organic Agri-Inputs Manufacturing Company. So always in search of latest information. snsagro
Mani Salem I am in need of tea estate 1500 to 2500 actress please inform and call immediately riamaria
Rupesh Ghaziabad Wish to know more about agriclture rupesh029
B R Coimbatore News on Agricultural agrofores
Mr. Gorityala gorityala
Mr. V.P. Senthil vpsenthil
Mr. Swadhin swadhinmohanty
Prof.(Dr.) R.S. profantil
Sudip Dubai get information relriss
Akash Lohcha achalganj unnao Phool gobhi machine akash2
SUBRA Vellore, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India Uyerveli seeds 1965subu
SUNDARESAN CHERTHALA for more information and support satyamgra
Neethi Vellore I like to farming the herbal plz help me for that neethi00
Ms. Anjali anjalichoudhary
Prof.(Dr) R P Singh rpsinghratan
Dr. K. K. Subramani Srirangapatna kksubramani123
Shri Mahendra M mahendramanivaasan
Dr. Dhiraj drdhirajsingh
Dr. Pankaj drpankajsharma
Archana Navi-Mumbai To understand business aspect of floriculture, required investment and investment of land in Pune of near Mumbai. archana_8
Krishna Paramdhan Amaravati to know the latest information about the technologies in agriculture abburi1
Prasad Bangalore I am planning to get into mushroom cultivation. I would like to connect with buyers and sellers of mushroom spawn, mushroom and related cultivation equipment and technology prasadgb
Prashanth Mandya looking for agricultural farm land workers pkvgowda1
Mukesh Pune mMukesh123
Mr lakshmikanth123
Mahadev Bapurao Osmanabad District mahadevbapurao123
Dr. drshivani
Dr. Latha H drlatha
NAGHA udumalpet,thiruppur for trade nagha1
Hari Mysore Job hari44
Dr. Geetha drgeetha
Mr. Krishna krishnabhat
Ramesh Gobichettipalayam Land rent madmaxx55
Dr. drrajeshnallaiah
Mr. Samiran samiranpatra
k Ramadugu Haliya near Nalgonda Telangana looking for agriculture labour free accomodation we having 30 acres of land satya2544
Dr. Veerangouda dreevrangouda
Dr. H.C drhcgena
Dr. Lachhman Das drlachhman