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Total Records: 350036
First Name City Reason for signing up Username
Abi Tiruppur We want Agriculture land for lease in erode district god_0128
Narendra Mumbai Start agricultural and dairy farm in Karnool AP nkverma26
Sumanth Chennai Iam very interested to bye a land for industrial property plzz send your contact details jeevithan
Dr. R drrvenkattakumar
Mr. N. nnagarajan
Dr. BSR drbsrreddy
Govind partur for information anjale
Rishi Bangalore Agri land rishi2oo7
Shaik Hyderabad Agricultural land of 10 Acres around 10.00 lakhs per acre afreenias
Subhendu Bangalore To learn more about the recent and updated techniques of farming subh2u
Shashidhar Gulbarga Organic farming, Jeevamruta bag, soil test, portable agriculture equipments sonu1196
Dr. P drpmanivel
Dr Vinod drvinod
Naveen CHENNAI Want to find Agri Labours naveeb
RAJENDRA Bangalore promotion of agricultural allied activities, encourage buying and selling of lands, improve the standards of living of farming community in rural India ramshyla
Shirish Lucknow Need help and guidance on horticulture horttech
Prabavathi Tiruvannamalai I am looking for agri land in lowest price. I saw the advertisement as 2.50 Lakhs per acer in Tiruvannmalai through Chatgpt. parthim
Arun muzaffarnagar I am having land around 35. I want to lease this land. arun88
Arulmurugan Erode To sell agriculture products through this app arulmurug
Rajeshnallaiah Madurai rajeshnallaiah123
Kopano De Doorns looking to improve my farming experience. kopano
Arulraj Salem I need bear waste aruldon19
Emmanuel Lagos Information on seeds, agriculture companies, seed companies, information on agriculture etc. redman44
BALASAHEB NAMDEO Sangamner Want new startup Soya value addition sustam
Aswathlaxman Bangalore Looking for saplings and partners in farming aswathlax
Mr. Vasim vasim1
Akash Baburao Pune akashbaburao123
Soorya Kolar Knowledge and contacts soorya04
Mr. Biswajit biswajitghosal
Mr. Balavantbhai balavantbhaipatel
Mr. Nilemesh nilemesh1
Mr. Abhishek abhishek121
Varghese Thomas varghesethomas
Mr. Sreekanth sreekanths
Dr. Anandkumar anandkumarnaorem
syed Hyderabad I want to give my form land on lease slinmz
Dr. Altaf Aijaz altafaijaz
Dr. Aum aumsarma
Mr Sudhakar1111
Mr. Lokesh Singh lokeshsingh
Mr. Vivek Kumar vivekkumarpatel
Ms. Ruchi ruchibishnoi
ramesh Palakkad I'm Farmer. Information rameshvan
Deedar Lanka deedarmuhammad
Pravin Murbad Lease agriculture land pravin69
Dharan Hyderabad Agriculture related information but currently focusing on Banana plantation dharann
Manjinder Singh Ludhiana we are produce good flowers and flower seeds, Bulbs corms etc. we seeking for here improve valuable stuff grewglads
KHATANA Dhrangdhra For sandalwood farming information shivji-17
M.A Mumbai maprabhakar123
Mr. Goutam goutamroy
Dr. Sakamuri drsakamuri
Tejram tejram1
Dr. Shruthi drshruthi
Dr. Chirasree chirasree
Mr. Thiruvikram thiruvikram
Mr. Mukesh mukeshr1
Mr. Amarnadh amarnadh1
Ms kritika111
Mr. Jitender jitenderchoudhary
Dr K drkprasad
M mgovindaraj
venkatram Hyderabad Looking for keeda jedi cultivation and project report venkaram
Sabareesan thanjavur i am cultivating paddy on thanjai. If any one wants to paddy straw i will be supply you for the best price, with out mediators please contact me if required 9080774277. tn-cholas
Rupesh jabalpur we are the best manufacture vemicompost mp jabalapur. rupeshv
Mohammed AVADI I need agriculture land in Thiruvallur Surronding laloolal2
Team Bhimavaram Looking for farm land with farmhouse lease teamextro
Srinivas Bangalore I want sell colour Capcicum lakume
Mr. Kishan Kishan111
Mr. Chetan chetangore
Pankaj Hyderabad, pankajgaur123
Ms. Keerthi Keerthi1111
Mr. Aruneswar aruneswarmgb
Mr. Reddy gaderamanareddy
Mr. Nitin Kumar nitingoudar
Aruna BENGALURU URBAN Looking for properties arunahm
Purushotham Kolar I want to learn about organic farming puchidxb
Gayathri Bangalore I need labour for my farm @ kithalamangala both male & female Tumkur district 1234gayi
panchapakesan chennai Would like to deveop garden in home and factory pram4509
SRIRAMA BANGALORE sir we are manufacture in organic vermi compost ,and Organic vegetable, and fruits, srirama1
David Bangalore davidlobo
Subashini Vriddhachalam looking for agricultural farm land to cultivate natural crops suba_1
Dr. Ambika ambikahd
Mr. Jitendrasingh jitendrasinghrao
Mr. Ameya Padma ameyajyoti
Mr. Anilkumar anilkumar111
Devadas Nizamabad I am interested in Aloe vera farming. I get to know about this farming and who is going to buy this product. deva1307
Karabi Guwahati Teak wood plantation subsidy karabi
devendra Damoh Traning choube
Mr. Shaji Shaji1
Chinmay Chinmay1
Dr. Sheshagiri sheshagirigubbi
Dr. N B nbgaddagimath
Dr. Madhumita drmadhumita
Mike Lagos I am interested is becoming a buying agent or representative for supply of cashew nuts in Nigeria for buyers from Vietnam, China and other parts of the world. Kindly contact me on 08023109964 or 08109204405. Thanks ic-agala
Sree Karur I am owning agricultural land in kadavur , Karur & my interest in farming kadavur
Mr. Sumeet sumeet1
Mr. Anjil Anvin anjilnnvin
Ms. Archana archanaagarwal1
Mr. Ramakoti K. ramakoti1