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Total Records: 350036
First Name City Reason for signing up Username
1Win Kentville - 1win_bd
Narayan patil Indore Gauwa export farmar patilnara
Hazel Lisbon posting hazels
Dr. Fazil Tirunelveli Just for looking drfazil
Vishal Alwar New tractor prices and tractor brands in India are showing in one place for your convenience and here you can also find out a fair Indian tractor price in India. Before buying a tractor, farmers think about tractor costs and farmers always search for a fair tractor cost. The solution to this problem is TractorJunction, and this is the place where farmers can get reasonable tractor cost and information at their home. amansama
Bala Tirupur Farming balasaran
Inderjit Derabassi Fir training poultry (desi breeds) inder_27
Sudip Navi Mumbai Open land for agriculture, as you given advertise Rs.53,000/- per Acre, I wish to purchase minimum 100 Acres sudipmedi
Arun Sangli i want spirulina farmig certificat arunbaad
Silash Wast bangal I want pig frame certificate 391106
Dharmender Rawla mandi For latest information in agriculture bishnoiag
Avik Navi Mumbai Land for sale wiseshado
Dr. Bijoy Krishna bijoyhandique
Ranjitha Bangalore Investment 060484
Chinmaya Kinningar Mushroom farming cppaneyal
ANIL Dist Kalahandi Want 10 to 12 acre of hilly cheap land for wind mill akn1957
Mahesh Pune Polly house for rent in talegao maddy3626
S K Coimbatore skbabu
Shashidhar Bengaluru shashidhargparsi123
Adithya Hyderabad I am looking to start an aquaculture business, looking for a community to ask questions. adithyap
Kumara Thoothukkudi Vankkam, Iam kumara murugan living in V.Pudur Thoothukudi district, I have three agre land with well pump shed also, I am civil supervisor worked in gulf for the past twenty four years, Now I am in India, My interest to make goat farm with agriculture, I want goat farm (multiple farm)with agriculture interested person to join with my business Please if anybody interest contact me, K.Kumara murugan, +919092968060 kumarmari
Dr. Soumyajit Kolkata Medicinal Plants Cultivation, Value Addition and Marketing sanjaybala
Ravindra Lonavala ravindrac
Online Eltham North Online Plants is Australias first and largest online retail nursery, selling plants at the cheapest prices to all retail customers across the country. onlinepla
Srijith srijithgurikar
Prabhu Bangalore Job prabhu01
Vishnu Dhango Navi Mumbai, vishnudhango
kalluri hyderabad to have more information kbalaji
SHAHNWAZ Ajmer I am property dealer sknawazkh
Anant Narayanrao Ikhar Bhandara District anantikhar
Jayakumar Coimbatore Would like to know more about cattle and other information jaypgp
Mr. jeevasuresh
Dhananjaya Bangalore To start cultivation aumkar
Raghav Trichy Farm land in hills near tamil nadu fruitbee
Ramu Tiruchirappalli Need help to get manpower workers to manage and maintain farm land and dairy farm and also need for agriculture related tips and information ramuarum
Kuruvilla Meppadi kuruvillajoseph
Mr. C. S. csprakash
K kjayachandran
Dr. Shilpashree drshilpashreen
Tushar tusharghosh
Bhubaneswar , Designation: Street Name: Town City: sarangiajit
Bharathi Bangalore North Want to understand vermicompost requirements bharathip
Nithin Chamarajanagar Looking for farm workers and manager. nithin25
Dr. Jagat Cuttack Agricultural Information jagat777
Pankaj pankajpawar
Chandrasekar chandrasekarramasamy
rajesh keshvan mumbai agriculture information rajesh04
Navin Ranchi For funding and startup the agriculture navin12
Yash Lakhnadon 400 एकड़ जमीन yash01
Anusha Chickmaglur Information anusha16
A R Ganesh Hyderabad Mr. AR Ganesh Reddy is the Proprietor of in ganeshreddy123
SAMIR Harinagar, Billiground,North & Middle andaman District Modern farming & Agriculture allied activities and finance support. scm578
Disha Mumbai Wanted dnair01
Vinodkumar Mahabubabad To sell alovera vinod_91
mantesh ichalkaranji I'm also interested in this contract farming, and i have also 1 acre of land to cultivate this crop mk280997
Jagat Jaipur interested in farm tourism and agriculture rsjs1129
Bharath Coimbatore To share the plants information bgreens
KKP Salem Agriculture kkpparthi
Mohammad Isfahan I looking for costomer that export of Rose flower at foreign countries flower71
Ashoka ashokakammath
Dr. Rajashekhar rajashekharbasanayak
Sanket sanketdhavale
Arun Shankarrao arunshankarrao
Tharun Nehru tharunnehrumanoharan
Benjamin benjaminraja
Sonal sonalbaiju
Chamaraj chamarajnp
Lakshmi Visakhapatnam Want to start farming. So looking for tips from experts lsarada
camila New York, - camilawil
Karthiga Pondicherry, karthigad
Prashant chennai Information wowprash
Rohith Nellore I am looking for azolla seeds rohith834
Dr. Pradeep drpradeepb
Santhosh santhoshkumar1
Mr. Baljeet baljeetsingh1
Kanifanath Annasaheb Barshi kanifanath
Rushikesh Rajendra Pune rushikeshrajendra
Kishan Kumar Deoli sharmakishankumar
Panashi Dubai Self service kiosk machine hardware and software supplier in Dubai panashi
Srinath Bangalore Plain barran land or Hola for making our own farm bssrinath
lokaditya Hyderabad Looking for advice on how to improve the soil which has been filled up with red gravel and other white colour soils.I am having to use heavy fertilizers and chemicals for the flowers and fruits to grow other wise the leaves turn yellow. Kindly revert back with a solution and oblige. Jai BHARAT shivaplc
Masaba Mbale I want to learn about sheep rearing 075103855
Vijayraj Bengaluru vijayraj123
S K MYSURU I am in to real estate and land development field from the past many years settled in Mysore city and doing our Residential & Farm Plots projects in Mysore, Bangalore, Nanjangud and Bandipura at Mangala as well. I am looking for the mutual benefits and good platform to explore our best to reach across the Globe.. we assure that quality is our Moto... for more details please contact/reach us at LOYAL GROUPS, office located in Hinkal, near Flyover - Raghavendra 9008831978 / 9901111401 skrkas
Dr. Arumugam drarumugamthangaiah
Dr. Sadananda N drsadananda
Jamindar jamindarbuddiga
Parikshit Sampat Hanumangarh Town parikshitsampatsai
Mr. M K mkelango
ANIL MIRAJ Cow and buffalo project report 4419014
Arun Indore arundike
Sathiraju Nidadavole I want to cultivate Cocoa, vanilla and avocado crops in my agricultural land in Nidadavole Mandal, East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh sathiraju
Toby Olympic Valley i want to grow more josheppua
DHIREN vadodara we promote organic and cleanfood arhamorg
Devan devanc
Mr. R rbalasubramaniam
Dr. Yashwant yashwantraut
Navdeep navdeepverma
Harisha Bangalore I'm intersted in farming. planning to develop my land at native. Besides my additional profession is connecting sellers and buyers of land around bangalore. harishagv
Gurudatta D. Nanora gurudattabhakta