Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

Traditional Bharatiya Joint Family - Traditional Farming


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Traditional Bharatiya Joint Family

(1) Simple division of labour:

Joint family system enjoys all the advantages of a simple division of labour. Here the work is distributed among the members on the basis of age and sex keeping individual ability in view. In an agricultural economy much manpower is needed for sowing, ploughing, harvesting and also protecting crops from heat and wind. The male members are engaged in such work as furrowing, sowing and irrigation.

Children, old persons and women watch the crops in the field particularly during the harvesting period. In this way, the co-operation of all members helps to save money that would have otherwise been paid to outside labourers. Moreover, every member of the family is ensured of at least some food, clothing and shelter, which are very essential for a healthy and developed economy.

(2) Avoids fragmentation of land:

So far as the joint family is concerned, the property is held in common. As such it does away with the evils of subdivision and fragmentation of land and promotes scientific farming. It enjoys all the advantages of large scale production.

(3) Money saving device:

A joint family is advantageous from the economic standpoint. Since things are consumed in a large quantity, they can be procured at a cheap rate. Again so far as accommodation is concerned, the joint family saves money that would have otherwise been paid for establishing separate households. Besides, the family saves considerable amount of money by not employing outside labour.

(4) Insurance against odds:

Favouring the joint family system Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru has remarked that it is an insurance against difficult times. It provides social security to its members, especially to the old, the children, the insane, the widows, the physically handicapped and the helpless.
Further, the joint family plays an important role in providing much assistance and help at such time as pregnancy, sickness etc. Life of an individual in the joint family is properly looked after right from the cradle to the grave.

(5) Place of recreation:

The joint family is an ideal place for recreation. It is instrumental in creating a stimulating atmosphere through the cumulative effect of the lisping talk of the children, the expression of sisterly, brotherly and motherly love, the reproach of the elders and the fun and frolic of the other family members. In this way the joint family naturally acts as a veritable source of recreation with immunity from monotony and boredom.

(6) Satisfaction of basic needs:

Food, clothing and shelter are the basic needs of man. The joint family system caters to these basic needs of its members.

(7) Provides leisure:

So far as joint family system is concerned, work is shared by all the members on the basis of age, sex and experience. Hence they avail ample leisure.

(8) Social control:

The joint family acts as an agency of social control. The social control .exercised by the joint family is informal in nature. Under the constant vigilance of the elders, the undesirable and antisocial propensities of the youngsters are properly checked and thus they are not allowed to go astray. All members scrupulously observe family rules and regulations and respect the elders.

(9) Cradle of social virtues:

The joint family fosters good qualities among its members. They are taught discipline, patience, co-operation, obedience, generosity, selfless service etc. which are virtues of a social life and a real possession of every individual.
Dr. R. K. Mukherjee rightly observes, “The joint family system, based on the virtue of affection, produced that peculiar socio¬economic outlook in Indian economic organisation which contrasts so favorably with the aggressive individualism of the west.”

(10) Provides psychological security:

The joint family provides psychological security to its members. By attaching supreme importance to collective interests it arrests the growth of excessive individualism and promotes social solidarity.

(11) Co-operation and economy:

The joint family fosters co-operation and economy achieved by few other institutions. Cultural unity and associational feeling are markedly visible among the members.

(12) Socialism in wealth:

Joint family instills the socialistic spirit among the members. According to Jathar and Berry, everyone in a joint family earns according to his capabilities but obtains according to his need. In this way, in a joint family the socialistic ideal “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” is realized.

(13) Continuity of culture:

In a joint family, the younger members are immensely benefitted by the experiences of elders. The elders also guide the young members in developing joint family sentiment and broad social outlook. All these are potent factors in the continuance of cultural traditions.

This institution of joint family though of ancient origin has not only survived for its manifold virtues but has stimulated the social life. It has ensured the continuity of rich traditional value and culture.

Our Traditional Systems are always the best and it is time test proof.

In the same for our Agriculture activities also we have to use only our Traditional Methods.

Our Product Details with regard to Traditional and Organic Farming:

We are producing the following two products.

Panchagavya – an organic fertilizer

Agnihastra – an organic pesticides / insecticides / fungicides.

The details about this product and the certificates can be viewed in our website Welcome to Buy Panchagavya | Organic Fertilizer Online

Please contact us for any requirement of this product.

V Sudhindranath
LTA Trading Private Limited
No.51/7/1, Chitrakoot, Ratna Avenue,
Richmond Road,
Bangalore 560 025.

Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)
