Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

stevia nuresry cultivation consultancy


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ACI agro solution is an ISO 9001:2008 &FOOD SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM WITH HACCP ISO 22000:2005 certified is the leading agriculture consultancy of India During May or June month land should be deep ploughed and get freely open so that harmful soil born insects and other undesired substances will be destroyed.

As per requirement 10* 3*1 ½ ft bed should be prepared. Properly mix 50 Kg/bed organic compost .

In the mean time waste things should be cleaned from bed. After that according to rows seeds are put on the beds . After that seeds are covered by ½ cm thick layer of brawn of rice and wheat. now prepared beds are ready to produce stevia plant.

Precautions :

Bed should be prepared under shadow area.

The bed preparation area should be well drained .

Bed soil should be insect free.

Use appropriate insecticide , bactericide, fungicide to protect stevia from insect or dieses.

Bird net should be used to protect bed from the birds.


Maintain moisture according to weather on the stevia bed .

Be careful ample supply of water invite insect dieses. So irrigate once in a day in winter and 3 or 4 times in a day in summer.

Bed height should be 1 to 1 ½ feet above from surrounding land.

Keep 2 to 3 feet distance between 2 beds so that intercultural practices should be one properly.

After 5-6 days stevia plants get started grow.

Conteneous irrigation should be done as per requirement.

After 5 to 6 week stevia plants are ready for transplantation. Carefully take out plants and put them on cold and well moisture place.

As much as possible transplant the plants on main land.
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Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

ajit prasad

New Member
stevia plants available in bulk and very reasonable rates. plants will of 5-8 inches with good roots in tharmacol box. we also undertake stevia plantation work.

kashyap plantations & biofuels
udaipur, rajasthan

Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)
