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Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society (HCMS), Jaipur (Raj) India, is an ISO Certified organization founded on 1996 partnered with continuously working towards its goal of social development and environment conservation by emphasising on medicinal & aromatic crop cultivation, horticulture animal husbandry & dairy. Our Company leads the flavour industry by setting high standards for customer satisfaction.
Stevia plant is one of our primarily focused area and we provide all of our support and expertise on every step i.e. from cultivation of stevia to water management, subsidy and financial assistance, bio-pesticides, harvesting, storage, logistics and most importantly buy back support.
Stevia products has ample amount of medicinal usage and advantages for diabetic patients, blood pressure patients, soft-drink industries, confectionary manufacturers and bakery industries

Services provided by HCMS:-

.Development of Stevialand information
• Information related to Stevia farming and industrial units
• Soil/water testing in our research institutes
• Prepare project reports and provide technical information of the report
• Supply high quality Stevia seeds / seedlings and also provide information about raw materials to the industrial units.


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Stevia Benefits

Stevia, therefor, opens up new avenues for crop diversification and a viable alternative to sugarcane. There is a potential to use Stevia in soft drinks, confectionery and bakery etc. Instead of sweeteners with known adverse side effects in the long run. Stevia prevents tooth decay with its microbial property . Majority of the supplementary food products for diabetic patients emphasize on the fibre & protein content the addition of the Stevia leaves, dried or in powder form, in such products would not only aid in increasing the natural sweetness but would also help in rejuvenating the pancreatic gland.
Apart from this, Stevia is nutrient rich, containing substantial amount of Protein, Magnesium, Miocene, riboflavin, Zinc, Chromium, Selenium, Calcium & Phosphorus, Besides Stevia can also be used as a house hold sweetener in preparation of most Indian sweetmeats.

There are different views about stevia in different countries. Countries like Japan and Korea; it is widely used as sweetener.Today the number of countries is increasing where stevia is available.


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More Complex challenges emerge as Demand for Stevia Rises! Latest Position Paper expl

The global stevia industry has witnessed record-breaking growth through 2009, and now faces new and more complex challenges as Stevia sweeteners go ‘mainstream’.

- Supply reliability of high quality stevia leaves (>90% Stevioside content)
- Access to extraction and refining technology
- Competitive cost structure for upstream, mid stream extraction and downstream production
- Shifts in regional taste preferences
- Consumer acceptance
- Complexities in managing supply chain
- Quality control for Stevia sweeteners

HCMS entitled “Stevia as a Mainstream Sweetener! Emerging Sustainability & Market Challenges” discusses the key determinants driving Stevia business today, the pressing need to address the above-mentioned challenges, and the future of the Stevia Marketplace.

The growing demand for Stevia Sweeteners will demand a significant increase in Stevia acreage, production, distribution and research in a relatively short time, making Stevia a very attractive option for investment!

Get a leg up into the upcoming opportunities in Stevia.


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Stevia Dry Leaves


We are leading ISO 9001 certified Organization is the sector of promotion of medicinal and aromatic plantation. We are leading technology provider for the cultivation of stevia and processing of the green stevia leaves into white stevioside powder. Currently we are cultivating stevia in 500 Acre under contractual farming in whole the nation. Whole the stevia is being cultivated under close supervision of our highly trained agriculture technologist. The stevia cultivation has changed lifestyle of our growers
1. Stevia is used to improve insulin sensitivity.
2. Preliminary human studies suggest stevia can help reduce hypertension.
3. Stevia can be used as a dietary supplement.


• It is natural.
• The Stevia dry leaves are 100% organic.
• It contain 0% calorie.
• The diabetic patient can use it as a sugar.
• It helps to reduce obesity.
• The green leaves are harvested from the organic stevia farms.

Contact us for bulk purchase at any time.


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Wonder plant

Stevia is a genus of about 240 species of herbs and shrubs in the sunflower family (Asteraceae), native to subtropical and tropical regions from western North America to South America. The species Stevia rebaudiana, commonly known as sweetleaf, sweet leaf, sugarleaf, or simply stevia, is widely grown for its sweet leaves. As a sweetener and sugar substitute, stevia's taste has a slower onset and longer duration than that of sugar, although some of its extracts may have a bitter or licorice-like aftertaste at high concentrations.
With its steviol glycoside extracts having up to 300 times the sweetness of sugar, stevia has garnered attention with the rise in demand for low-carbohydrate, low-sugar food alternatives. Because stevia has a negligible effect on blood glucose, it is attractive as a natural sweetener to people on carbohydrate-controlled diets.
The availability of stevia varies from country to country.Stevia has many excellent properties. We have organic stevia baby plants potted in bulk.
