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  • I want to cultivate alovvera in farming land in kanpur i have practically checked its quality by cultivating in my small farm so i want to cultiavte in my full farm so i want buyers to sell so i want to request u to contact me to give u r suggestions or marketplace
    HCMS is organizing a 2 days of Stevia-Aloe Vera and Medicinal Plant’s Cultivation Training Program in the Fourth week (25-26) of Feb 2013
    .You can have complete guide to growing, harvesting, and marketing Aloe Vera leaves .Valuable information is compiled from growers, research trials, and the author’s own experience. Includes Aloe Vera leaf buyers, sellers, and other resources. Practical Training provided by the Technical experts having experienced of 12-15 years.Attendy could be individuals, Co-operates and rural farmers. Session includes market strategic, availability, future of medicinal plant, trading and export opportunities various knowledgeable information available for entrepreneur
    Dear Sir, I am planning to go for Stevia cultivation on small scale in West bengal Burdwan District. Kindly provide me the details of persons/ organisation involved in this buy back agreement. Kindly provide me your details also.
    My contact no is 09836078111, 09433069166
    My email Id:
    Thanks for your cooperation
    If you need for any Plant Nutrients for medicinal and/or any crop contact me on 9792201571/ +911212440130-132 or mail to me,
    atulg namaskaar aap ka phone nahi laga pls call 9799123127 jatropha ka plant chahiye tha bulk mai ,thanks jodhpur
    i want to atart a small production unit of organic fertilizers from organic wastes,can u get me with the details of it??initial capital investment,etc..

    thank u....
    I have 12 acres of land but it is waterlogged july to sept.Can I grow stevia on it . If yes get me complete consultancy.
    dear ganesh ,
    i have 3 acre land with drip system and mini sprinkles and another 3 acre with irrigated with big sprinkles (favara). this land is in haryana state touching rajasthan boarder. please contact me on my personal mail
    Good quality of Soil testing kit is available for sale. This is good for field sampling and testing. Easy to handel, The results are good, This can be carry to field as a carry bag. It can check all the parameter like mineral availability and pH value. Good for organization working in agriculture plantation sector, gardening, crop production, agri-clinic.
    If you have any requirement,Kindly give us an opportunity to serve you.
    Dear Sir,
    I like to know the quality of the pipes and fitting installed by Jain. Also, i like to know the post implementation service and fees for any maintenance charged by them.

    If they offer superior or equal quality pipes that of Finolex, i am planing to use Jain for setting Drip system. If they do not provide equal or superior quality, i am planing to go ahead and setup Drip system by buying pipes and other fittings from Finolex and install the same.

    I need advice on the quality of the fitting , pipes and Drip irrigation system offered by Jain.

    Thank you.

    with regards
    Hello Sir,

    I am working in the field of Homeopathic Medicines Manufacturing Industry in Chennai now.

    I am interested to cultivate Stevia plants in Tamil Nadu. Please contact me in this network
    I am interested in the soil testing kit, can you reply back with the cost and the different paramaters that can be analysed and the running cost of the unit.

    -Suraj (
    am need to import Jatropha seed 500ton to dar-es-salaam Tanzania.Kindly give quotation on my +255754695064
    Dear Sir/Madam,
    Good Morning.

    With reference the subject. I would like to request that I am Suresh Singh. I hereby am applying for job in Agricultural Field as Manager-Agri Business For Seed Production/Agri Extension/ Organic farming-ICS & Package Practices and Certification. With this short intro I am a Master in Agriculture(Plant Breeding and Genetics) with more than 7 years of experience in Seed production/Contract farming and Organic Farming as capacity as manager, For last 5 year I am managing Organic farming as ICS and Package practices of crops like BASMATI dealing with Control union/Onecert certification Agency. If you have an opportunity kindly provide a chance for same.

    I am waiting your reply.


    Suresh S.

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