Organic plant growth promoters. Are they useful?


Organic plant growth promoters. Are they useful?

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Dear Siddharth,

" Many Indian buyers have a mindset that all imported agri inputs be it organic manure, plant growth promoters or even the machinery are high in quality and cost effective" . What are your opinion on this statement?

Dear Swetha,
Whatever you said, to certain extent is true. But due the influx of Chinese products in national and international markets, the statement no longer stands valid. As far as my knowledge goes,though however limited it is, Indian buyers do not trust Chinese products. Now if you compare European/American products to their Chinese counterparts, the choice would be obvious. Also Indian products are on par with European products, but due to certain financial limitations of an Indian farmer, many companies compromise on their products in terms of quality.
WiNaturals, is a company which stands by its name and delivers consistent quality to the Indian farmer at a nominal price. The products exported by us are not of superior quality and are same when compared to our products sold within the nation.

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Dear readers,
A wonderful article i came across a while back. Must read.

The Problem with Pesticides | Toxics Action Center
Dear Siddharth,

The article you had posted is really informative and brings before the true picture about the excessive use of pesticides in our everyday lives.

Well, we know pesticides use is bad in every ways. Well then how to reduce it?

Does your company conduct any promotional campaigns in villages to increase the awareness about organic products precisely your product? If yes, how and what is the response? If no, why?


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Dear Readers,

It is for us to change the mindset our farmers have by educating them about the harmful effects pesticides could cause.

Reducing fertilizers gradually is the only solution. A sudden elimination of chemicals is not possible as our soil, which has been pumped with indiscriminate use of chemicals for the last 5 decades is unfortunately now used to it. Slowly but surely, changing the trend by gradually reducing the chemicals and inception of organic manures/ growth promoters is the only way out for a healthier soil, and eventually whatever is grown on/in it.

We do indulge in going various places/ villages, conducting farmers meetings, explaining the advantages and disadvantages of chemical fertilizers as well as organic inputs. We do pitch about our product, but that for a very brief period. Most of the time, we talk about organic inputs as a whole.
You can check the link below, and check the gallery. Pictures taken at a couple of meets are posted.


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Dear Siddharth,

Looking at the present scenario, what are the probable changes do you foresee with respect to farmers using only organic solutions for farming?


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Dear Shweta,
The answer to your question lies within our government. We,as common men humbly request the government to provide more subsidies to these organic inputs, so that the cost of the same goes down considerably, and the farmer is benefited to the maximum. The farmer's acceptance to use organic inputs is also required. Indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides should be slowly abolished. The common man, every citizen of India should make it a point to buy more and more organic outputs (organic vegetables and fruits) from the market, even though it is slightly expensive. When one does not compromise on the clothes they wear or the lifestyle they lead, then why compromise on the food they eat? Ask yourself this question before you buy vegetables or fruits from the market, which unfortunately have been treated with poisonous chemicals right from its inception in the fields they are grown on.

We are sure that a revolution would arise, don't know when, but it surely will.

Thanks a ton for putting up this wonderful topic.

Regards and best wishes,
Siddharth Natarajan

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Benefits of Certified Organic PGP :

NatureVel-AG® AGRICULTURE a Plant growth promoter NatureVel- AG

NatureVel - AG® is a brand created, manufactured and marketed in India specifically for the agriculture, horticulture and floriculture segments by Clover Organic Pvt. Ltd. under agreement with Biosa, Denmark.

It is a certified organic product, which can address all the needs of the farmers. The product enables the farmers to make their own compost, even without cow dung. Periodic sprays on the crops by simply diluting the product in water for top dressing of crops and soil drenching leads to balancing of microbes in soil and unlocks nutrients making them readily available for the crops. As a result, the farmer gets higher yields and better quality at reduced costs. At the same time the natural resources are conserved at all times, thereby bringing in sustainability.

The product is a mixture of both microbes and herbs, which is made through a complex production process under the guidance of Biosa, Denmark. Biosa is operating in more than 30 Countries worldwide with a strong R & D background.

Compost can be self-made within 30-40 days using crop harvest waste, weeds and animal waste. It is not necessary to add animal waste. Composting can even be done on the farm itself and there is no need to make separate heaps. NatureVel-AG® increases the efficiency of cow slurry and vermi-composting as well.
Use of compost together with use of NatureVel - AG® for soil and top dressing of crops can effectively reduce dependence on synthetic fertilizers and pesticides to a large extent. The cost of NatureVel - AG® itself is marginal.
NatureVel - AG® acts as a strong pest repellent. Many herbs have been used to ward off pests and diseases across different crops.

The quality of the produce is improved to a large extent in terms of look, freshness, deeper colour, higher shelf life, better taste etc. This gives an opportunity to the farmers to get a higher rate.
It arrests climate change through conservation of natural resources like soil, water and air.

for more kindly visit : NatureVel- AG

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Benefits of Certified Organic PGP :

Compost can be self-made within 30-40 days using crop harvest waste, weeds and animal waste. It is not necessary to add animal waste. Composting can even be done on the farm itself and there is no need to make separate heaps. NatureVel-AG® increases the efficiency of cow slurry and vermi-composting as well.
Use of compost together with use of NatureVel - AG® for soil and top dressing of crops can effectively reduce dependence on synthetic fertilizers and pesticides to a large extent. The cost of NatureVel - AG® itself is marginal.
NatureVel - AG® acts as a strong pest repellent. Many herbs have been used to ward off pests and diseases across different crops.

The quality of the produce is improved to a large extent in terms of look, freshness, deeper colour, higher shelf life, better taste etc. This gives an opportunity to the farmers to get a higher rate.
It arrests climate change through conservation of natural resources like soil, water and air.

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Dear Sweta,

In our country whole system is running the dark.

There are Four Major aspects in the agriculture technology.
1. Agriculture Problems
2. Agriculture Research
3. Agriculture Extension
4. Agriculture input marketing

There is not proper co-ordination among all four aspects.

Agriculture problems: - the field problems are totally different from the actual problems of the farm. While going to a research farm it is easy to maintain or take care of of 3- acre or 5 acre plot. IF you talk about the actual field the problems are totally different. The farmers are not aware that their problems can be managed in better way by the integrated management instead of the excessive use of the Agrochemicals. But he use blindly there is not one to put a question mark on his decision. Still we are not having any mechanism or system that X- farmer has used excessive agrochemical at the level which is hazardous for the health and environment. There is no any such mechanism who can find out the linkage between the farmers actual problems and the organic farm growth promoters.

Agriculture Research: - Agriculture Research is a process where the scientist community do the significant research toward the agriculture problem. But the mechanisms don’t involve the farmer in the research process. IF we talk about the biological control or biological solution of the problems, most of scenario the biological solution is not easy to handle by the farmer. There are chances of the change of the property of the bio agents or organic chemicals if they are not handled carefully. The researches on organic farm inputs are not standards, the doses are also not standards, and defiantly the results are also not standards. The research process need the regular input and feed back of the farmers.

Agriculture Extension: - There is no guideline for the agriculture extension. For example a doctor can prescribe the medicine, a nurse can handle the patient; a pharmist can sell the medicine, there is no any such guide in agriculture that who can recommend the agrochemical, who can sell the agro chemical , who can do the extension. Some unsocial agents sell the wrong chemical to the wrong person for wrong problem in wrong condition. The farmer ultimately suffers the result doesn’t come as per the expectations. Ultimately the chemical is blamed. So there must be a proper well trained agriculture extension net work in India. Who must be authorised from somebody. In the condition of irregularity the authorisation must be revoked. Most the agriculture extension is done by the state govt. That is directly influenced by the political pressure. Rest of the Agriculture extension is profit oriented in stead of the result and development, might be by NGO or Private companies.

Agriculture Input Marketing: - There is no any proper law to protect the loss of the farmers if they are sold wrong product. Sometimes the farmer Purchas eth product under teh influence of the agrochemical seller. Last month one farmer came to me He was recommended the Foliar Application of Zing in the standing crop of Guar. Even in the region there is no Zinc deficiency. The crop of 10 hac area was totally destroyed. The leaves of the crop turned brown and yellow within 24 hours. Some illegal company sell the unapproved agro farm input and cheat with the farmers,

Before launching of such chemical it must be approved from the some agriculture research body that the results are as per the commitment done by the manufacturer. There should be a farmer guideline with every packing so that the use process should be farmer friendly. The result must be come in the condition of the farmer guideline.

The result of such organic growth promoter must be evaluated and recommended for the farmers. If the results are excellent then this must be recommended for all farmers. The organic growth promoter will defiantly give the result if they are formulated in proper way. The nature is the first source of the growth promoters.
Organic farm input needs a regular research and proper guideline and promotion. The application of the organic growth promoter will make the earth greener. The agriculture process will be more environments friendly. It will help to make the earth poison and pollution free.

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Dear Mr. Prajapat,

You have given a true picture of the Indian Agriculture system. Now as Mr. Siddharth agrees to what you have stated lets us know from him , does the packaging of Progro gives the farmer friendly guidelines? Please share the details. His answers could be helpful for other manufacturers too.

We would also like both of you to suggest, how can this systematic procedure of introducing new organic solutions can be practiced in India? It might a new ray of hope in dark.


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Dear reader,

Let me give you the real picture. Approximately 90% of our farmers in rural India are uneducated. They neither know to read, nor write. That does not prevent us from stating the advantages of our products on their packs. Also the dosages are mentioned. But the real effort lies in going down to as many villages as you can and personally ask the farmer to carry out their soil analysis. Tell them how certain deficiencies could be corrected. How our products could correct the deficiency.

There are innumerable companies today, which claim that the products manufactured/marketed by them are totally organic. We request every farmer/end user to check for the required credentials before purchasing the same from the market (these includes certifications, lab analysis reports etc.) I know this could be a slightly tedious task but there are companies who make a quick buck by selling bogus products. Demand for genuine products, its your right to! Every dealer/ retailer of these agricultural inputs should be educated on organic products. Governments across should provide subsidies in this chemical friendly market.

I might have missed a few points here, which I request you, who read, to fill.

Siddharth Natarajan

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Siddharth Sir I am totally agree with you on the education level of farmer. Some time they are educated but they used prohibited chemicals or excessive dose under influence. That is harmful than uneducated farmers.

It doesn't mean that someone is uneducated then he will take the wrong medicine. I talking about the system. A doctor prescribe the medicine and dose for the particular disease. Agriculture need a system of prescribe. The farmer can get the right and the timely solution of their problem.

IF the end user is Uneducated in that case there must be a mechanisum that he can know the dose and effect of the particular farm input from some govt official / extension worker/ dealer/ retailer. As per the effect of the farm input is concerned. it must go through certain independent field trail before the launching.

Now we come to the demand of genuine product. every one is thrusty for the genuine products. People are ready to pay the money.. It is very painful when they get cheated. Is the organic product is formulated from the genuine product then defiantly they will give the result.

IF we talk about the USA or some developed country most of the procedure and formulation are patented. IF some thing is patented defiantly that is cleared the benchmark related to the quality and result.

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M/S- Clover, Please share the details of the products, the results with the general public with the proper documentation in the flavor of the farming community. If it is scientifically proven then please create an awareness.

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Is humic acid an alternative for fym & organic compost?

We are planting 5000 Nos of Moringa plants. For the pit preparation, we do not have access to large quantities of farmyard manure and we cannot afford to spend on purchasing expensive organic composts. Can we use humic acid as an alternative to either farmyard manure or organic compost for the pit preparation. I shall appreciate feedback & views from members of this forum if we can use humic acid as an alternative to either farmyard manure or organic compost

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We are planting 5000 Nos of Moringa plants. For the pit preparation, we do not have access to large quantities of farmyard manure and we cannot afford to spend on purchasing expensive organic composts. Can we use humic acid as an alternative to either farmyard manure or organic compost for the pit preparation. I shall appreciate feedback & views from members of this forum if we can use humic acid as an alternative to either farmyard manure or organic compost
Dear Sir,

Humic acids are used as an alternative to FYM and composts mostly everywhere.Yes, you can use the same instead of conventional manures and expect better results at the end of the growing season. Kindly mail me on, if queries persist.


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The ultimate role of FYM is to increase the Humic Acid in Soil. IF it is available in refined form then it is best for the agriculture. The FYM is also having other micro nutrients which are useful for the plant growth because FYM is produced from the plant part. The Humic acid increase the plasticity of the soil and water holding capapcity. Where FYM is help full for water holding , plasticity and the proper airation.
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Shweta - Editorial Team

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