Bedding Composter for Dairy Farms



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Bedding Composter is a semi-closed system known as “in-vessel composting” in compost literature is a aerobic compostioning technology. The system basically prepares the ideal conditions for accelarating the activities of the bacteria in the organical waste. The moisture ratio temperature and oxygen flow in the drum is under controlled by the system automatically and computurized way.The drum is turning on low speed and while turning the solid on the other way provides the movement towards the outside. The solid wastes which stays inside the drum on average of 24-72 hours as a result of the activation of aerobic bacteria reach the temperature of 60+oC without any energy consolidation.

For the continuation of bacteria activation and continuity clean air is given into the drum with computer control and the exhaust gases are taken to the outside. Pathojens inside the waste which stays 24 hours this temperature are eliminated and the fermentation process have mostly been completed. It includes a specially produced polimeric and cylindirical drum for the compostioning process.

The drum which takens the moisturized material inside turns oftenly on low speed and therefore provides the regular mixture of the material its contact with the oxygen and easy idscharge of the fermentation gases. Meanwhile the system regularly provides oxygen flow inside the drum. The organic material inside the drum starts to aerobic fermentation in a short time and the temperature of the drum reaches 60+C. This temperature completely occurs from the heat which comes out of activities of the aerobic bacteria there is no any energy consolidation from outside. The material which is kept 24-72 hours. on these temperatures cleans from the harmful bugs and bacterias and completes the mineralization period mostly to obtain compost. Bedding Composter has computer control. The system monitors and controls the important parameters for compostioning like on which speed and amount the material will be taken into the drum, the turning speed of the drum, air flow that should be provided inside the drum, the temperature inside the drum and also arranges these parameters as related with each other.

Therefore it is the system which regularly produces compost without the assistance of any technician. Bedding Composter is a continued compost production system. After the determination of the stay period of the material inside the drum the system regularly supports material to the drum and the material which completes the period is discharged from the drum. The main function of its system is to provide the suitable environment for the fast accumulation of aerobic bacteria and to decompose the organical material. Following the decomposition process the materal will become a stabile compost, the organical material in the manure will become mineral form and therefore it will be assimilated by the plants easily. This is the main characteristics of the compost that differs it from animal excrement. The material does not reveal any waste gas, it is completely purified from smell and it is not different from natural soil as image and structure. The material came out of the Bedding Composter is directed to Curing Area. After the material kept in the drum for 24-72 hours even the fermentation is mostly completed, low level aerobic reactions continue inside and it did not become a stabile compost. For the Curing the compost should rest and become mature. At this stage the compost is made as triangle section windrows and these are periodically mixed for 7-10 days (once in a day). With the help of this the windrows has the oxygen and the rection gasses are exhausted. The turning is being done with Compost Turner which is pulled by a tractor. While turning the windrows at the same time fragments the lumpy parts and also moisturize with its water tank spray mechnanism. Especially during summer time moisture support is necessary for the windrows.

Manure Handling Equipment
