Other biodynamic preparation
Besides 500 and 501 there are seven other biodynamic preparations having numbers from 502 to 508, but as their method of preparations are difficult, they are not very popular in India and are not being used in large scale. Their methods of preparation in brief are as follows:
BD-502 – Moistened yarrow (Achillea millefolium) blossom gathered in spring, are packed into the bladder of deer stag or hart. The bladder is hung into the sun over the summer and buried into good soil over the winter. The contents, dug up in the spring, will aid the compost to regulate potassium and sulphur processes.
BD-503 – Chamomile blossoms (Matricria chamomilla) gathered in the summer are moistened with chamomile tea and stuffed into the small intestine of a freshly butchered cow, made into little links of sausages and buried into good humus soil in the fall. The burial place should be close to melt water flow of snow after the winter. This preparation helps regulate the calcium processes of compost.
BD-504 – Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) is buried in the soil for one full year, enclosed in a mantle of peat moss. It aids in humification of the compost.
BD-505 – Scrapings of the outer rind of Oak bark (Quercus robur) are placed in the skull cavity of a domestic animal such as sheep or goat and buried in fall in ground that has water percolations through it (such as below leaking drain pipe). The contents are used in the spring. This preparation works on calcium processes and contributes to making plants disease resistant.
BD-506 – Dried flowers of Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) gathered in spring are moistened and folded into the mesentery (membrane that holds intestines) of a cow. This is buried in soil until the spring. It helps to regulate the silica processes in relation to the potassium processes.
BD-507 – Extract the juice of Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) flowers by squeezing. The juice is diluted in rain water and sprayed on the compost pile. This preparation regulates the phosphorus processes in the compost. Although, the method of preparation of these compost BD formulations are difficult, but they are required in very small quantities and can be stored in glass containers for long periods. Once prepared can be used over large number of compost piles. A tea spoonful of each (502-507) will suffice for a normal garden compost pile of 3 m3. On a compost pile poke 5 holes of about 30-40cm deep and stuff each with tea spoonful of formulation 502 to 506.
Formulation 507 is stirred in a bucket of water and uniformly spread over the entire compost pile.
BD-508 – Fresh tissue of horse tail plant (Equisetum arvense) is made into a tea by boiling with water for 20 min. Filtered tea can be stored in glass bottles and diluted at the time of use. This formulation is used as prophylactic agent against mildews, blights and other fungal disorders.
2. Natural farming
Natural farming emphasizes on efficient use of on-farm biological resources and enrichment of soil with the use of Jivamruta to ensure high soil biological activity. Use of Bijamruta for seed/ planting material treatment and Jivamruta for soil treatment and foliar spray are important components. The uses of both these ingredients have been incorporated in the package described above. Jivamruta has been found to be rich in various beneficial microorganisms. As
per the studies conducted by Bio Centre Bangalore the Jivamruta contains following microorganisms:
• Azospirillum 2 x 106
• PSM 2 x 106
• Pseudomonas 2 x 102
• Trichoderma 2 x 106
• Yeasts and moulds 2 x 107
200 lits of jivamruta is needed for one application in one acre. It can be applied through irrigation water by flow, by drip or sprinkler or even by drenching of mulches spread over the field or under the tree basin.
3. Natueco Farming
The Natueco farming system follows the principles of eco-system networking of nature. It is beyond the broader concepts of organic or natural farming in both philosophy and practice. It offers an alternative to the commercial and heavily chemical techniques of modern farming. Instead, the emphasis is on the simple harvest of sunlight through the critical application of scientific examination, experiments, and methods that are rooted in the neighborhood resources. It depends on developing a thorough understanding of plant physiology, geometry of growth, fertility, and biochemistry. This can be simply achieved through:
Understanding Natueco Farming Science
• Natueco Farming methods go beyond natural farming and organic farming.
• In natural farming, farming is done trusting nature through the empirical wisdom of ages. However, Natueco methods emphasize farming by knowing nature more and more through critical scientific inquiries and experiments. It is an ever growing, novel, unique, participatory tryst between man and nature. Moreover, Natueco Farming in no way related to the present commercial techniques of farming.
• It has a new vision of infinite resource potentials in Nature and sunlight and promises plenty for all through harvesting all available resources by increasing the human activity.
• This depends on critical understanding of greening and recycling of biomass within the neighborhood to enrich the structure and fertility of soil in a calculated way.
• It promises record assured yields in a mathematic precision by understanding plant’s geometry, cycles of growth and canopy (leaf area) management with little or no external inputs and ensuring optimum harvesting of sunlight.
• It visualizes that in the near future, the present money market system will have to give way to a new eco-economic system of Nature, i.e. energy market system.
Natueco Farming Step by Step
Natueco Farming emphasizes `Neighborhood Resource Enrichment' by `Additive Regeneration' rather than through dependence on external, commercial inputs. The three relevant aspects of Natueco Farming are:
1. Soil - Enrichment of soil by recycling of the biomass by establishing a proper energy chain.
2. Roots - Development and maintenance of white feeder root zones for efficient absorption of nutrients.
3. Canopy - Harvesting the sun through proper canopy management for efficient photosynthesis.
The article will continue tomorrow.
Our Product Details with regard to Organic Farming:
We are producing the following two products.
Panchagavya – an organic fertilizer
Agnihastra – an organic pesticides / insecticides / fungicides.
The details about this product and the certificates can be viewed in our website Welcome to Pasuthai.com: Buy Panchagavya | Organic Fertilizer Online
Please contact us for any requirement of this product.
V Sudhindranath
LTA Trading Private Limited
No. 18/7, Chitrakoot, Kumaracot Layout,
High Grounds, Bangalore 560 001.
Ph: +91 99450 66699
Email: vsudhin@yahoo.com
Web site: pasuthai.com
Besides 500 and 501 there are seven other biodynamic preparations having numbers from 502 to 508, but as their method of preparations are difficult, they are not very popular in India and are not being used in large scale. Their methods of preparation in brief are as follows:
BD-502 – Moistened yarrow (Achillea millefolium) blossom gathered in spring, are packed into the bladder of deer stag or hart. The bladder is hung into the sun over the summer and buried into good soil over the winter. The contents, dug up in the spring, will aid the compost to regulate potassium and sulphur processes.
BD-503 – Chamomile blossoms (Matricria chamomilla) gathered in the summer are moistened with chamomile tea and stuffed into the small intestine of a freshly butchered cow, made into little links of sausages and buried into good humus soil in the fall. The burial place should be close to melt water flow of snow after the winter. This preparation helps regulate the calcium processes of compost.
BD-504 – Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) is buried in the soil for one full year, enclosed in a mantle of peat moss. It aids in humification of the compost.
BD-505 – Scrapings of the outer rind of Oak bark (Quercus robur) are placed in the skull cavity of a domestic animal such as sheep or goat and buried in fall in ground that has water percolations through it (such as below leaking drain pipe). The contents are used in the spring. This preparation works on calcium processes and contributes to making plants disease resistant.
BD-506 – Dried flowers of Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) gathered in spring are moistened and folded into the mesentery (membrane that holds intestines) of a cow. This is buried in soil until the spring. It helps to regulate the silica processes in relation to the potassium processes.
BD-507 – Extract the juice of Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) flowers by squeezing. The juice is diluted in rain water and sprayed on the compost pile. This preparation regulates the phosphorus processes in the compost. Although, the method of preparation of these compost BD formulations are difficult, but they are required in very small quantities and can be stored in glass containers for long periods. Once prepared can be used over large number of compost piles. A tea spoonful of each (502-507) will suffice for a normal garden compost pile of 3 m3. On a compost pile poke 5 holes of about 30-40cm deep and stuff each with tea spoonful of formulation 502 to 506.
Formulation 507 is stirred in a bucket of water and uniformly spread over the entire compost pile.
BD-508 – Fresh tissue of horse tail plant (Equisetum arvense) is made into a tea by boiling with water for 20 min. Filtered tea can be stored in glass bottles and diluted at the time of use. This formulation is used as prophylactic agent against mildews, blights and other fungal disorders.
2. Natural farming
Natural farming emphasizes on efficient use of on-farm biological resources and enrichment of soil with the use of Jivamruta to ensure high soil biological activity. Use of Bijamruta for seed/ planting material treatment and Jivamruta for soil treatment and foliar spray are important components. The uses of both these ingredients have been incorporated in the package described above. Jivamruta has been found to be rich in various beneficial microorganisms. As
per the studies conducted by Bio Centre Bangalore the Jivamruta contains following microorganisms:
• Azospirillum 2 x 106
• PSM 2 x 106
• Pseudomonas 2 x 102
• Trichoderma 2 x 106
• Yeasts and moulds 2 x 107
200 lits of jivamruta is needed for one application in one acre. It can be applied through irrigation water by flow, by drip or sprinkler or even by drenching of mulches spread over the field or under the tree basin.
3. Natueco Farming
The Natueco farming system follows the principles of eco-system networking of nature. It is beyond the broader concepts of organic or natural farming in both philosophy and practice. It offers an alternative to the commercial and heavily chemical techniques of modern farming. Instead, the emphasis is on the simple harvest of sunlight through the critical application of scientific examination, experiments, and methods that are rooted in the neighborhood resources. It depends on developing a thorough understanding of plant physiology, geometry of growth, fertility, and biochemistry. This can be simply achieved through:
Understanding Natueco Farming Science
• Natueco Farming methods go beyond natural farming and organic farming.
• In natural farming, farming is done trusting nature through the empirical wisdom of ages. However, Natueco methods emphasize farming by knowing nature more and more through critical scientific inquiries and experiments. It is an ever growing, novel, unique, participatory tryst between man and nature. Moreover, Natueco Farming in no way related to the present commercial techniques of farming.
• It has a new vision of infinite resource potentials in Nature and sunlight and promises plenty for all through harvesting all available resources by increasing the human activity.
• This depends on critical understanding of greening and recycling of biomass within the neighborhood to enrich the structure and fertility of soil in a calculated way.
• It promises record assured yields in a mathematic precision by understanding plant’s geometry, cycles of growth and canopy (leaf area) management with little or no external inputs and ensuring optimum harvesting of sunlight.
• It visualizes that in the near future, the present money market system will have to give way to a new eco-economic system of Nature, i.e. energy market system.
Natueco Farming Step by Step
Natueco Farming emphasizes `Neighborhood Resource Enrichment' by `Additive Regeneration' rather than through dependence on external, commercial inputs. The three relevant aspects of Natueco Farming are:
1. Soil - Enrichment of soil by recycling of the biomass by establishing a proper energy chain.
2. Roots - Development and maintenance of white feeder root zones for efficient absorption of nutrients.
3. Canopy - Harvesting the sun through proper canopy management for efficient photosynthesis.
The article will continue tomorrow.
Our Product Details with regard to Organic Farming:
We are producing the following two products.
Panchagavya – an organic fertilizer
Agnihastra – an organic pesticides / insecticides / fungicides.
The details about this product and the certificates can be viewed in our website Welcome to Pasuthai.com: Buy Panchagavya | Organic Fertilizer Online
Please contact us for any requirement of this product.
V Sudhindranath
LTA Trading Private Limited
No. 18/7, Chitrakoot, Kumaracot Layout,
High Grounds, Bangalore 560 001.
Ph: +91 99450 66699
Email: vsudhin@yahoo.com
Web site: pasuthai.com