
  1. R

    Question Oyster and Milky mushroom farming

    I want to start oyster and Milky mushroom farming. But core issue is about marketing of that. My location is distt Ghazipur. It's 90 km far from holy City Varanasi on Patna route. Iam looking for buyers of these mushrooms. Any suggestions/feedback/buying interest . Kindly contact me directly. Thanks
  2. K

    Looking for Fresh Alive Oyster shellfish (Penctada Maxima)

    Hi , I am intrested in pearl farming, require Fresh Alive Oyster shellfish (Penctada Maxima). Please contact @ 8879319116 / keshavsone@gmail.com Regards, Keshav Sone
  3. G

    Require buyer for fresh and dried oyster mushrooms in mumbai

    Looking for a buyer for fresh and dried, 100% organic farm fresh oyster mushrooms in Mumbai. Please contact for any questions. Fresh mushrooms@200/ kg. Dry mushrooms: 1750/kg
  4. S

    Oyster Mushrooms for sale in Delhi Region

    We have started cultivation of oyster mushrooms and small quantity's are avaliable.
  5. P

    Industrial Mushroom Production,Button,Oyster, 50kg to 4 tonn/day Projects,South India

    Project Consultancy for Industrial Mushroom Cultivation/ Farming available for both Button and Oyster varieties available. 50kg/ day to 4-5 MT/ day projects. Consultancy for project, Processing, Marketing available. Kerala / South India. Contact: pmswadik@gmail.com +91 9946975243 / +91...
  6. D

    We provide onsite consultation, we buyback mushrooms you produce with our help

    We provide free training on mushroom cultivation (not with traditional paddy straw method). E-training,Video tutorial and practical training available We provide mushroom spawn at the cheapest ever price. We provide the sterlized readymade growing medium for cultivating mushroom at...
  7. R

    Oyster mushroom in hyderabad

    I am currently cultivating milky mushroom from last month and want to know about cultivation of oyster mushrooms also because i heard the profit is more than that of milky or button mushrooms. I would like to know if there are anyone who give training and buy back oyster mushrooms in hyderabad...
  8. A

    Oyster Mushroom for Sale

    We are Mumbai based cultivators of Oyster Mushroom which are produced in clean and good environment. We supply fresh and dry grey oyster mushroom as per client requirements. Rate as per below: Fresh Oyster Mushroom- Rs.120 p.kg Dry Oyster Mushroom- Rs. 700 p.kg Rate Negotiable if taken in...
  9. D

    Milky, Oyster, Paddy Straw, Ganoderma, Shiitake Mushroom Cultivation sales and export

    We provide training on mushroom cultivation (not with traditional paddy straw method). E-training,Video tutorial and practical training available We provide mushroom spawn at the cheapest ever price. We provide the sterlized readymade growing medium for cultivating mushroom at the...
  10. D

    Milky, Oyster, Paddy Straw, Ganoderma, Shiitake Mushroom Cultivation sales and export

    We provide training on mushroom cultivation (not with traditional paddy straw method). E-training,Video tutorial and practical training available We provide mushroom spawn at the cheapest ever price. We provide the sterlized readymade growing medium for cultivating mushroom at the...
  11. educationteam

    Anil Wanarse Patil - Mushroom Cultivation

    You are invited to attend a webinar (live discussion) on mushroom cultivation with Anil Wanarse Patil of Sprout Naturals India, Pune. This is a repeat of an earlier webinar since many people could not attend the event. How to attend this online meeting: Date: April 24, 2013 Time...
  12. H


    Hi, I have Fresh and dried Oyster and Milky Mushrooms available at our farm in Thane. Production is 5 ton per month. Interested parties please contact me via pvt message. Packing and delivery can be arranged as per requirement. Thanks Regards, Heramb Gupte
  13. Y

    Mushrooms for sale

    We deal with White Button and Dry Sajarkaju Pink Oyster Mushrooms in bulk quantity.Price based on the quantity. Contact me on my gmail id - 'prabhu.yands' asap. Cheers!! Prabhu M
  14. D

    about mushroom

    DATHUMOHAN: We provide training on mushroom cultivation(not with traditional paddy straw method).E-training,Video tutorial and practical training available We provide mushroom spawn at the cheapest ever price. We provide the readymade medium(already sterlized) for cultivating mushroom at...
  15. D

    about mushrooms

    DATHUMOHAN: We provide training on mushroom cultivation(not with traditional paddy straw method).E-training,Video tutorial and practical training available We provide mushroom spawn at the cheapest ever price. We provide the readymade medium(already sterlized) for cultivating mushroom at...
  16. D

    Oyster Mushroom near Delhi

    We are growing Oyster mushroom as a small scale project for commercial viability and want to find small scale buyers. Able to supply in the range of a few hundred kilos a month at the beginning. Will expand if get good response. If you are a distributor or buyer or Oyster Mushrooms in Delhi...
  17. R

    Oyster Mushrooms

    Are Oyster Mushrooms grown locally and how is the demand..... both in the local and international market....................... are there any buyers who would buy fresh oyster mushrooms and what quantities......
  18. V

    Fresh Mushrooms starting at Rs. 65

    Dear friends one of my client is starting mushroom production on contract basis in Gujarat..His farm has capacity of producing 1 ton per day..Any buyers out there are welcome to get the quote for mushrooms..He can give following mushrooms on contract: 1. Pleurotus Sajor Kaju 2. Pleurotus HU...
