about mushroom



We provide training on mushroom cultivation(not with traditional paddy straw

method).E-training,Video tutorial and practical training available
We provide mushroom spawn at the cheapest ever price.
We provide the readymade medium(already sterlized) for cultivating mushroom at the
cheapest ever price

For more details please go through our site and contact us or send a private message to me.

Our price for mushroom growing medium(already sterlized) is just RS.200/- per 4kg

piece.Price highly negotiable if the quantity is reasonable.

Our price for 1Kg milky and oyster mushroom spawn is just Rs.70/- but the transportation

charge will be extra.

We are providing training for Oyster and ganoderma lucidum / reishi mushroom also

Most modern cultivation method for milky and oyster mushrooms

We will get atleast 2kg Mushroom from one cover or bed.

Till date Oyster and Milky mushrooms were cultivated using the traditional method(i

mean by paddy straw after sterilizing it).But by our modern method of cultivation its very

very easy,time saving,money saving and most effective yield giving.
So those who need our organic fertilizer Or mushroom spawn plese feel free to contact

us.98% of the mushroom cultivators still don't know about this method.

The price per kg for fresh and dried milky mushrooms varies from Rs.90/- to Rs.350/- and

for dried Rs.300/- to Rs.600/- respectively.

The price varies according to places,clients and demands.


looking to sell milky mushroom

dear sir,
I would like to know how to market milky mushrooms.
Can you help us with that??
