Zero Budget Dairy Farming



New Member
Dr Waran's Livestock Management Consultancy is a pro-farmer agency providing professional consultancy services directly for the dairy farmer or any agency that is willing to adopt a pro-farmer approach in their business undertaking. However, Dr Waran's Livestock Management Consultancy clients also include agencies such as NGOs, MFIs, Banks, Donor Agencies, Insurance Companies, Government departments, etc. all of whom would like to have a pro-farmer approach in their business model.
ASK any dairy farmer whether she / he is satisfied or happy with the economics of rearing dairy animal or do they find it profitable. The answer in the majority of the cases would be in the negative! :confused:

This is inspite of all milk companies / traders / especially the milk cooperatives all over India shouting hoarse that they are paying the best price for the milk they purchase from their dairy farmers!! Unfortunately, their own dairy farmers / suppliers / members do not believe them!!!:rolleyes:

This is the very reason why so many adult cows and buffaloes (those not producing milk, temporarily) of excellent germ plasm / genetics land up with the slaughter house for beef.

So, why do the dairy farmers even then rear dairy animals and continue to sell milk to the milk companies / traders / cooperatives? Detailed study of answers to such probing questions may throw some enlightenment on this. However, would it be practical for every new entrepreneur or existing dairy farmer to do such studies or do they have the time and money for it? Highly doubtful. Other new comers look and sieve through the plethora of information available on the internet for information, information that has no responsibility for their success / profitability.

So, what is the solution? Either outsource it or obtain it ready-made from experienced professionals.

We provide fee-based professional, technical and financial consultancy Zero based Budget Dairy Farming all over India - from 20 to 2000 animals, right from

a> Sensitising the entrepreneur to the business of dairying,
b> "Designer" project report preparation - for Bank / for self,
c> Hands on training to the labourers to manage the adult animals and young stock,
d> Establishing Good Animal Management Practices,
e> Setting up a proper management information system,
f> Setting up own fodder farm
g> Developing and nurturing new markets through innovative marketing strategies, etc.
h> Producing bio-energy from gobar for captive consumption
i> Integrating dairy farming with existing / new organic agricultural operations

"All with the aim of ensuring "optimum" returns on a daily basis with
"maximum" returns over the life time of every single dairy animal".

Yes, our view is from the eyes of the dairy farmer - our client / customer and hence our God (in Mahatma Gandhi's terminology).

Very many existing and new dairy farmers all over India and a few in Malaysia have benefited immensely from our consultancy. In fact, many of our reputed clients integrate dairy farming into their organic farm producing fruits / flowers / vegetables being produced for the premium export / domestic market. Viewers further interested in this subject may also have a look at the Blog created under the head "FAQs on Dairy Farming".

Should you be seriously interested in taking up this business profitably or making your existing dairy farm business into a profitable one and are willing to avail fee-based professional assistance on the same, you may contact:

Dr S Rajeshwaran BVSc PGDRM
Chief Consultant
Dr Waran's Livestock Management Consultancy
Chennai - 88
email i/d

We graciously acknowledge here our learnings from our own micro-clients, more than 5 lakh women all over India who have benefitted from our capacity building programmes on good dairy animal management and health care practices.


A lot of readers of this thread are looking for the dictionary meaning of "Zero based Budget". If so, they may refer to their dictionary or wikipedia! What we are discussing here is the "concept" which is being said in the thread and if it makes some sense, then we have made a beginning.:rolleyes:
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New Member
hello ,

can you mail your contact details to or call me on . we would like to discuss with you regarding the above.

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New Member

hello sir,

i am very much interested in your idea of zero budget farming,would like to know more about your organization ,

my land is located in Bangalore,
look forward for your consultancy,

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New Member
SIR CAN I GET YOUR CONTACT DETAILS , MY E-MAIL ADDRESS IS . please let me know how it works. i am very interested in dairy farming.

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New Member
Looking forward for Zero Budget Dairy Farming


I'm interested to know about your consultancy service. Please contact me

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New Member
intrested in dairy farm

hello sir,

i am very much interested in your idea of zero budget farming,would like to know more about your organization , am very much intrested in dairy farm.
i have 15 acre land with water source near by pollachi.

thanks &regards,


Please contact....
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New Member
Hello Sir

Hello Sir,

I am interested in your idea of zero budget farming, would like to know more about your organization , am very much intrested in dairy farm.
I have 10 acre land with water source near by Rajkot, Gujarat

So Send me the details....
Waiting for your positive Reply

Thanks & Regards

Parth Nathwani
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New Member
could you please provide me the basic idea on the same.

am very much interested in your idea of zero budget farming,would like to know more about your organization , am very much intrested in dairy farm.


New Member
Dear Sirs,

Thank you for your enquiry. We are happy to see that you are interested in furthering your business interests in dairying.

We are a group of professionals from the fields of managment, dairying, bio-energy, horticulture and agriculture. We come together on project basis, contributing our individual technical expertise to the project. I head the Dairy Unit. I have 28 years of hands-on experience in dairying across India and Malasya, right from research to business. I also have hands-on experience in managing large-scale cow and buffalo farms and semen stations.

The tailor-made services we could provide to you are:

a> Incubation of ideas / product-lines

b> Look at the market opportunities for high value addition

c> Study of existing players in the milk and milk product industry, in the area where we plan to establish our product

d> provide technical expertise in establishing the herd and the farm

e> set up the fodder farm and integrate it with the dairy

f> produce bio-energy from gobar for in-house consumption

g> provide training in day-to-day handling / management of the animals

h> establish a perfect healthcare plan

i> set up an MIS

j> risk analysis and risk cover

k> monthly hands-on assistance and technical review of the farm operations, over a period of 2 – 3 years

We provide professional guidance to persons who are interested in establishing a dairy farm of over 50 animals with a project cost of over Rs. 25 - 30 lakh.

We from Dr Waran's LMC can assure you that the business of milk and milk products is in its embryonic stages and first movers like you can make maximum economic returns. This especially true for those who are producing milk from Indian breeds. Just as an example, "certified" ghee from Indian breed of cows can yield a price of Rs.1,000/-! Yes, this market is yours for asking. Obviously, this would require much hands-on technical guidance from our side, starting from 80% in Year 1 reducing to 20% by Year 3.

To begin with, we need to have a 2-day preliminary joint visit to the site and market and have discussions on the various aspects of the project. You would first have to indicate your background, land holding, area of operation, nearest market, etc. The preliminary discussions could be had at a mutually convenient place (preferably on site) and time with a month’s advance planning.

We can discuss the terms and conditions over phone once you give me further details on your business plans.

with best wishes on your agribusiness venture.

Dr S Rajeshwaran BVSc PGDRM
Chief Consultant
Dr Waran's Livestock Management Consultancy
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New Member
I'm interested in knowing more on this. hw it is zero budget , can u pls elaborate on this. v r delhi based and hvng land here. v r very keen on starting a dairy project. pls cntct me on

atul jain


New Member
Dear Atul Jain,

Happy to know that you keen on starting a dairy project near Delhi.

To be brief and to the point, the answer to your query on "How is it Zero Budget?" would depend on which area of the dairy industry (production / processing / marketing, etc.) and product-line(s) do you as an entrepreneur see an opportunity and therefore would like to enter into.

With best wishes on your agro-business venture.


iam very much interested in your idea of zero budget farming,would like to know more about your organization , am very much intrested in dairy farm.sent me more details to my email;
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New Member
Dear Murthy,

Happy to know that you are interested in dairy farming on your land in Bangalore.

If your land is within the city limits, I suggest a serious rethink on it. However, if it is atleast 50 kms away from the city, then you may go ahead with the idea.

with best wishes.
Dr S Rajeshwaran


New Member
Dear sir.......I couldn't get what actually you meant by "Zero Budget Dairy Farming". Can you clarify the same. please contact...
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New Member
It is "zeroes" budget, because there are lots of zeroes involved :confused:

The poster could have given a more appropriate title for a venture that requires a 25 lakh investment!




New Member
Dear Dr Bharathidhasan,

I DO NOT APPROVE of your posting in the thread I have started since it is irrelevant and not a continuation of it in any manner. You seem to have this habit of posting your note in many of the threads! It is not good manners, to put it mildly, for an educated person like you.

Dear Moderator,

I request you to remove his post. Tku.
Dr S Rajeshwaran
