Turn Key Medicinal Plantation

We provide service for medicinal plantation on turn key basis. We will do all the activity and hand over you the key of your farm with complete plantation. We will use the best best agricultural practices to develop your farm on turn key basis. What ever the crop you want to cultivate you can ask us to develop your farm. If you are new they we can assist you to choose the best suitable crop for you according to climatic condition and soil type of your land.

The farm development will be totally done by us from field preparation, planting of the saplings, manuring, irrigation system installation and other activities,

At the another side we can also provide you the marketing support.

Please send me full query and planning with your full contact detail with email id to my mail ID. Our representative will contact you soon....


New Member
Dear Sir;

I have 54 acres (in one place) in Solapur district of Maharashtra. Soil is medium with good drainage (don't have chemical analysis). No water at the moment. Very warm; you can call it hot. Full sunshine.

What can I grow there?

If income is good; water could be arranged (from 3 KM 280' deep well - with expenses of about 6 lacks).

Can you suggest a crop or crops? and approximate income please.

I'll appreciate direct reply


Daniel Reuben


New Member
Dear sir

we have large area of land in hill area of arunachal , Bhutan and at the same time jharkhand near & surrounding deoghar Jahrkhand can suggest us good crops there can be introduces in contract farming please advise with terms &others for high value Medcinal plants o make it economically viable to encourage them in future prospects

Awaiting your prompt & suitable resply at the best posible of time too.

R K Sinhal
0091 9434030796
