To enhance milk

Hi . I own 6 crossed breed cows. But I could not better exploite their capacity. They are hardly producing 5- 6 litre a day.please suggest me how to enhance their milk? What to feed them and other things which need to do?I will be obliged to you.

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New Member
Reduce Wormload - could be a reason for low yield

Dear Mr.Akhilesh,

Deworm your cows first. Give feed for their production only. Give 400 gms of compounded cattle feed for every litre of milk and add 2 kg extra for body maintenance for each cow, mineral supplements like calcium powder as per the recommendation. Give green fodder 25 kg. Hay can be used as a stomach filler only. Give brans like rice bran,wheat bran. Have these cows crossed fourth & fifth lactation?

Good luck!!


Hi . I own 6 crossed breed cows. But I could not better exploite their capacity. They are hardly producing 5- 6 litre a day.please suggest me how to enhance their milk? What to feed them and other things which need to do?I will be obliged to you.

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New Member
Enhancement of milk production of dairy cows

You have not given total information about your farm.

1. Give the deatil of lactation stage & lactation no of each lactating cow.
2. Give the information about feed and fodder you are supplying them
3. Give performance of previous lactation or pedigree detail if available.

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