sandal, vanilla, Mahogany, Bamboo plant available in gujrat with buy-back guarantee.

We delivered sandal, Mahogany, tissue cultured Bamboo, Vanilla & other commercial plants with Buy- back guarantee. We provide basic information about cultivation of various types of comercial plants, maintaining the quality of the plants, the types of plants that can be cultivated in the land of Gujarat, Maharashtra & Rajasthan.

The beneficiary will be able to discuss during the consultancy session about marketing, price fixing, the type of manure to be used for these plants same for the top.

Mr. Sarang Jain is the member of Becon Agro Forestry Consultant & farming Contractor. He has experienced person in farm developing differentlly. He also provides information and consultancy to those who interested to develop their farm by such different methods. If you are, kindly contact given below,

Mr. Sarang Jain.
M/o. Becon Agro Forestry Consultant
& Farming Contractor (BAFCO)
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