Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

Wanted Quality moringa leaves wanted in bulk quantity regularly


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I am trying to impress people at large to take moringa leaves daily for better health. To supply needed quantity of moringa leaves to our members, I motivate farmers to take up dense moringa cultivation only to produce moringa leaves and not pods.

I am Keen to have Quality moringa leaves in bulk quantity regularly. What are our Quality norms?

1. Complete organic cultivation

2. Dense cultivation only for leaves

3. Proper balanced farm manure regularly

4. Harvesting of leaves once in 3-4 weeks.

5. Washing leaves before harvesting or drying

6. Removing sticks and yellow leaves

7. Shade drying of leaves or with solar dryers

8. Fumigation if need be

9. Pounding leaves using non plate pulverizer

10. Proper packing to control moisture

Farmers or agencies produce moringa leaves like the above said methods can supply moringa leaf powder to our Moringa mission.

Please remember, we are not business people. We are promoting Moringa Mission as our passion. To know more about my venture please visit my moringa mission website:

Interested people can contact me:

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Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)
