Need help on suitable fodder for HF Cows



New Member
About 12 HF Cows are joining my new diary farm (start up).

Planning to utilize 2 acres of wet land to grow the natural fodder for the HF cows.

Can anyone suggest on below ....

1) what fodder plant/tree should be cultivated for HF Cows
2) Availability & price of the seeds
3) Processing of the fodder to feed HF Cows

Many thanks in advance.



Well-Known Member


Fodder scarcity is one of the bigest drawback in dairy. If you have land than devote some portion for fodder crop cultivation such as berseem, oat, fodder maize etc. You can contact nearest Animal Husbandary department/ University for seeds. Even Govt. is giving subsidy for fodder seeds. You can also procure seeds from Grassland Res. Institute, Jhansi. If you have commercial dairy than you can save such fodder and make silage out of it which can be used throughout the year for feeding animal.


Viswanath B R

New Member
please do let me know your where abouts. I can possible guide you. you can contact Central fodder and seeds research institute hesarghatta b'lore on this.

Please contact....
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Yes Please contact N H B Hessargatta, Bangalore
G K V K Bangalore

They have varaity of foodders to suit the climate of different regions of India.
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It depends on location of dairy farm. Anyway, to supplement the
a) carbohydrate - South african tall Maize / fodder sorghum (jowar) / fodder bajra (pearl millet) in summer and oat in winter in about 1.5 acre
b) protein - berseem in winter and lucerne (alfalfa) / cowpea in summer in about 0.5 acre or glyricidia/caliandra/subabul trees on the boundary
c) You can prepare the silage from the cereal crops and hay from the leguminous crops, which can be fed to the cows during fodder off season.

Seeds should be available in the local fodder / agriculture / animal husbandry department located at taluka / district headquarters. The price of seeds would be very nominal (may be Rs.20-Rs.50 per kg, you may need 2-10 kg seeds per care depending on the type of seed)

Silage will be prepared by chaffing the cereal fodder (2" long) and keeping in airtight condition for 45-60 days. Before covering with plastic or mud, it should be pressed such that the excess air is removed from the fodder. There will be fermentation process lactic acid will be produced which induces more milk production and the silage will be ready. You can also add 1 kg urea, 2 kg jaggery/molasses, 1 kg common salt, 1 kg mineral mixture per ton of chaffed green fodder. Prepare the solution of these ingredients and sprinkle over the chaffed fodder and press, cover it.

parameshwar Hegde
