Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

Mushroom cultivation


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We provide complete technical and practical guidance of all types of Mushroom cultivation( Button mushroom, shiitake, Oyster, Milky, paddy straw etc,), spawn preparation unit, composting unit, canning unit. with buy back arrangements.

We also provide technology of ganoderma mushroom cultivation, Ganoderma capsules ( 250mg each) are sold by DXN Rs 16/ capsule

We can provide complete technology of cultivation, processing, capsuling of Ganoderma, shiitake, Cordyceps, Griffola.

( Shiitake is also called Lentinula, a compound lentinin is extracted from shiitake and is used for cure of Tumor, and cancer ).

Griffola , Griffone a compound is extracted from griffola and is called as most potent antibiotic without side effect available on earth is used for UTI and other infections in the body.

Cyclosporin a compound is extracted from cordyceps( cordycepin) is used as aphrodite, stronger than viagra and also used for immune inhancement of the body during seveir injuries and time of organ transplant.

We are into mushroom cultivation since 1981 and have developed many technologies and inventions. We have trained thousands of farmers in mushroom cultivation . We taught shiitake cultivation in Bhutan, sikkim and manipur long back In the year 1984.

We developed a composting technology of mushroom production which can be made in just 10 days by long method gives alsmost equall yield of short composting, is got awarded by science and technology, Govt of UP in the year 1997.

Please call or mail us at phone 9334851224


Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)
