Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

Legal things to know while purchasing agricultural land


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Dear Members,

Refer my previous post in land purchase. As said even though tax documents bear the seller name while searching the title of the property several time discrepancies observed in title deeds. nationalized banks digs up more than 30 years record where private banks or its legal persons only depend on last records till 12 years and most of the time basis tax documents.

So if any expert could contribute and guide how we can identify discrepencies in property and how we can assure we are buying a legally valid property or deal.. . This is specifically on agricultural land. pls note tat in house property a long positions proves ownership but in agri land since the possession can not proved in court any long term position do not gurantee ownership of the agri land. The only surety is clear title deeds and docs. So just tax docs or long term position of agri land will not give any gurantee of un challengable ownership

also regarding ancential agri land property we need to consider that law regarding distribution of land in between legal heris is diffrent for all major 3 relagions, is hindu, christian and muslims, so the law is diffrent for on that aspects for all three relegions.

so how we can protect and resolve such discrepencies. ?


Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)
