India Organic Food and Beverages Market will Reach INR 124.5 billion by 2019



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India Organic Food and Beverages Market is expected to reach INR 124.5 billion in terms of sales by FY’2019.
• Future Growth of Indian Organic Food and Beverages Industry is expected to be led by rising awareness among the Indian population and increased government initiatives for promotion of organic farming in the country.

Ken Research announced its latest publication on “India Organic Food and Beverages Market Outlook to 2019 - Growing Potential of Online Retailers to Steer Growth” which provides a comprehensive analysis of organic products in India and covers various aspects such as market size of India organic food and beverages market, segmentation on the basis of domestic and exports market, different types of products such as tea, pulse, wheat, oil and others. Additionally, the market is segmented on the basis of major cities consuming organic products and major distribution channels for these products. The report is useful for industry consultants, private equity and venture capitalist, manufacturers, suppliers and wholesalers, e-grocery stores, bio products retailers of organic food and beverages, and new players venturing in the market.

The Indian organic food and beverages industry is one of the most dynamic industries and plays an important role in the country’s FMCG industry. The surge in growth has been majorly originated from increasing health awareness of the Indian population and rising disposable incomes. The growth in this segment has been largely led by the domestic factors such as increasing number of organic products retailers in the country and increasing demand from international markets.

The organic food and beverages market in India comprises large players such as Organic India, Morarka Organics and Sresta Natural Bio Products which posses a large product portfolio of organic products. The India organic food and beverages market production value has grown at a CAGR of ~% from FY’2009-FY’2014.

According to the research report, the Indian organic food and beverages market will grow at a considerable CAGR of over 40% thus inclining to INR 124 billion by FY’2019, due to the increasing number of organic product manufacturers and India’s comparative advantage in organic food production.
“A hike in the investment activity, technological advancements and rising level of exports will result in market growth. Additionally, high cost of organic food and cumbersome certification procedures act as a hindrance in the Indian organic food and beverages market”, according to the Research Associate, Ken Research.

Key Topics Covered in the Report:
India Organic Food & Beverage Industry
- Market Size by Production Volume and Sales Revenue
- Market Segmentation by
o Products
o Major Cities (Delhi/NCR, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai and Pune)
- Domestic and Exports Market
- SWOT Analysis
- Porter’s Analysis
- Trends and Developments
- Major Opportunities
- Major Challenges
- Competition and Market Share
- Future Outlook and Projections
- Macro Economic Parameters

Key Products Mentioned in the Report
- Tea
- Pulses
- Oil and Ghee
- Wheat and Flour
- Spices
- Rice

Companies Covered in the Report
- Organic India
- Morarka Organic
- Sresta Natural Bio Products
- Fab India
- Ecofarms
- Navdanya
- Sanjeevani Organic

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Source: India Organic Food and Beverages Market Report

Ken Research
Ankur Gupta, Head Marketing & Communications
