Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

hybrid plants


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hello friend i am new in this field

i want to know the difference between a normal and a hybrid EUKCALYPTUS plant.

i.e. what benefits has this EUKCALYPTUS plants had?

Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)


New Member
Eucalyptus plants can be grown easily from seeds. These plants are more suitable for temperate regions. As there is a wide range of species within the group, it is important to choose the particular type that best suits the climate and soil conditions at your place. Although most of the eucalyptus trees require full sun, there are some varieties like E. neglecta and E. crenulata that tolerate partial shade and also adapt to a wide range of soil and climatic variations.

If you are planting seeds, sow them in late winter in moist sphagnum moss. Be sure to place them in a sunny location. If you are getting small plants from the nursery, ensure that the plant is planted right away in your garden. In case, the species is native to your region, you could plant it any time round the year. However in the winter season, it is best to plant an eucalyptus plant in early spring. If you live in an area which has hot, dry summer, fall or beginning of the rainy season would be the best time for planting this wondrous plant.

The area where you want to plant this new addition to your garden should be clear of weeds. Dig a hole bigger than the root ball. Try to keep the hole as big as the pot from which the plant is being removed. However, ensure that the hole is 1 to 2 inches deeper. Now place the plant in the hole in such a way that the roots are disturbed minimally. There is no need to spread out the roots as this could harm them. You could separate the roots so that they point outward as long as you are sure that you won't harm the roots. However, this is easier said than done.

Fill the hole with soil and tamp the area a little to ensure that there are no air pockets. Water the soil and mulch around the tree so that it would hold the moisture. Maintain soil moisture until the tree gets established. Once it is done, it will tolerate relatively harsher drought conditions. Other than being planted in the garden, certain species of eucalyptus plant are also good choice for container gardening.


Chemicals like eucalyptrin, hyperoside, quercetin, quecitrin, tannins, and associated acids can be found in the eucalyptus plant. These are mainly obtained from the leaves and bark of the tree. Eucalyptus oil is the main source of the various health benefits of the plant. It is an essential oil that is extracted from leaves and branch tips. Eucalyptus oil is a rich source of the antiseptic substance cineole. Eucalyptus oil benefits include its ability to provide relief from sinus infections, flu, bronchitis and other respiratory problems. Its excellent anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties has provided this oil a place as the preferred ingredients in soaps, ointments, deodorants and other products that are of use for maintaining personal hygiene. Its germicidal properties make the oil very useful in treating skin infections. Due to its strong smell and therapeutic properties, eucalyptus oil occupies an important place in the niche of aromatherapy oils.
Besides the oil, eucalyptus leaves contain tannins that are believed to help reduce inflammation and flavonoids that have antioxidant properties. Many herbalists suggest to add fresh eucalyptus leaves to tea and gargles that can be used as effective remedies to treat bronchitis, sinus infection and sore throat. The tree is also preferred to be grown in marshy areas that soak up excess water from the soil and thus, prevents the spread of diseases like malaria. Eucalyptus plants also form the staple diet of the koalas, the much-loved Australian marsupial.

Eucalyptus plants not only add to the visual pleasure of a landscape, but they also have a number of medicinal and therapeutic uses that have been used by the aborigines of Australia for centuries.


Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)
