Honey Bee forming




Am planning to start honey bee forming at Hosur. Kindly let me know all the factors regard to minimum investment, area required, if any particular on weather.


kirti s

Well-Known Member
hello sir
Bee-keeping activity should ideally located where there are minimum movements of human-beings with very little noise. Forest area is, therefore, suited with many flowering plants naturally grown. Movable wooden frames with boxes are placed at such locations and these boxes are spread with honey spice to attract more and more honey-bees. These bees leave fresh honey sucked from flowers in the cells of honey-comb provided in the boxes to eat bee feed. When these cells are full of honey, they are hermetically sealed by capping with wax and then honey is extracted from these cells. Freshly extracted honey is warm and easy to bottle. It is essential to undertake proper training of extraction and bottling.

Land has to be in the secluded and forest or hilly area. A plot of around 150-200 sq.mtrs. is sufficient. To limit the capital cost, the promoter can start this activity on own land or it can be obtained on long term lease. There is no need to have a sturdy building but a shed of around 20-25 sq.mtrs. with asbestos sheet roofing is sufficient. It may cost Rs.15,000/-.

Small wooden frames with boxes are needed. Their sizes are also standardised. Around 30 such sets would cost Rs.45,000/-.

extractors would mean investment of Rs. 10,000/-. Manually operated bottle capping machine would be available at about Rs. 2,000/-.
Thus, total investment for support facilities would be Rs. 57,000/-.

Honey feed of about Rs.90,000/- will be required every year for 30 boxes. Quantum of bottles would depend upon the type of packing. In case of bulk packing, bottles could be of bigger sizes. However, average cost per kg. is taken at Rs.4/-.

There are not much maintenance costs as there are no machines or a large building with utilities. Hence, monthly provision of Rs. 2,500/- is adequate.

each box collects around 240 kgs. of honey every year. The quantity depends on exact location, flowering varieties, climatic conditions etc. Hence, as against this industry average, actual collection is expected to be 60% and 70% during first two years.
