Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

Guar seed (Guar gum) available for sale at very affordable rates


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We provide the complete solution in the Guar cultivation. As per the commodity trend Guar has shown excellent results. Last month it was being sold at rs Rs 30,000/Quintal. The guar gum is used in many industries as a base product. the crop has bright future. Please contact us for the guar cultivation. We provide complete solution and consultancy for the guar cultivation. This is the best time for the guar sowing.

Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)


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A field experiment was conducted during kharif, 2005 on sandy loam soils of dryland
farm of S.V.Agricultural College, Tirupati (Acharya N.G.Ranga Agricultural University) to
study the performance of rainfed guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.) under varied
time of sowing. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design with factorial
concept, replicated thrice. The treatments consisted of four times of sowing viz., first (D1
and second (D2
) fortnight of July, first (D3
) and second (D4
) fortnight of August and four
cultivars viz., RGC 1003 (V
), HG 563 (V
), RGM 112 (V
) and GAUG 9703 (V
). These
varieties are recommended for arid and semi-arid tract of the country. The experimental
site was low in organic carbon (0.25%) and available N (240 kg/ha), medium in available
(22.7 kg/ha) and available K
O (206 kg/ha) and normal in pH (6.9). The entire
recommended dose of fertilizers (20 : 40 : 40 N, P
and K
O kg/ha) was applied as basal
dose at the time of sowing. Observations were recorded at 25, 50, 75 DAS and at harvest.
The yield characters of guar cultivars were significantly influenced by time of sowing.
Sowing of guar during first fortnight of July resulted in more number of clusters per plant and
number of pods per cluster
than the crop sown during other times (Table 1). This can be
attributed to higher biomass accumulation coupled with effective translocation and distribution64
of photosynthates from source to sink, which in turn resulted in elevated stature of yield
attributes which was due to favourable weather conditions such as equal rainfall distribution
and temperature during the crop growth period. Relatively higher levels of yield parameters
of guar sown at first fortnight of July of sowing has been reported earlier by Sharma et al.
(1984), Bhadoria and Chauhan (1994) and Taneja et al. (1995). The crop sown during second
fortnight of August recorded the lowest yield attributes.
The highest seed yield of 951 kg ha
(Table 1) was obtained with first fortnight of July
sowing and yield decreased significantly in other times of sowing. Higher seed yield with
first fortnight of July sowing was mainly due to enhanced yield attributes such as 70 per cent
more number of clusters per plant and 37 per cent more number of pods per cluster which
was due to equally distributed rainfall, optimum temperature during flowering and pod
development stage. The lowest seed yield obtained during second fortnight of August might
be due to reduced photosynthetic activity and translocation of assimilates as a result of high
rainfall and low temperature, which affected pod development and seed formation. The yield
increased with first fortnight of July over second fortnight of July, first fortnight of August and
second fortnight of August was to the tune of 42.0, 74.0 and 82.0 per cent, respectively. The
results are in agreement with those of Sharma et al. (1984), Taneja et al. (1984) and Taneja
et al. (1995).
The stalk yield was maximum when the crop was sown during first fortnight of July
compared to other times of sowing. This was due to better growth and development, resulting
in higher dry matter production(50%). The lowest stalk yield was recorded when the crop was
sown during second fortnight of August.
The crop sown during first fortnight of July recorded the highest crude gum yield due
to higher seed yield and gum content. Sowing beyond first fortnight of July resulted in lesser
crude gum yield due to lower yields.
Different cultivars of guar, having different genetic potentiality are known to respond
differently to similar management practices and the same was also noticed in the present
study. The cultivar RGM 112 produced the highest level of yield attributes such as number
of clusters per plant (23%) and number of pods per cluster (12%) which was on par with HG
563. This might be due to more assimilatory surface leading to higher dry matter production
coupled with effective translocation and distribution of photosynthates from source to sink.
Similar observations were also reported by Bhansali and Bhandri (2004). The lowest number
of yield attributes was recorded with the cultivar GAUG 9703.
The highest seed yield was recorded with RGM 112, which was on par with HG 563
and both were distinctly superior to RGC 1003 and GAUG 9703

Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)


New Member
Since fracking took off at the end of 2010 the price of guar, a bean of the Galactomannan family that can be used to thicken water in the drilling process, increased 15-fold to $25 (£15) a kilo this summer.

The massive price spike has proved a boon to Rajasthan's mostly hand-to-mouth guar farmers and convinced thousands of others to turn their land over to guar, which in Hindi means "cow's food" reflecting that until recently the vast majority was munched by bovines.

"It's a bit like sugar beet," says Malcolm Graham-Wood, an energy analyst at VSA Capital in London. "It was only really fed to animals, then someone found that you could put it into an oil well in Texas and it has rocketed [in price].

"You wouldn't expect to find it in fracking, and wouldn't expect it to be so important that half of US shale gas operations are going up [in cost] on the back of the shortage. But it is."

The oil industry was attracted to guar for its thickening properties that have long appealed to ice cream, yoghurt and toothpaste manufacturers.

Dennis Seisun, editor of the Quarterly Review of Food Hydrocolloids, substances that form a gel when added to water, explains that guar is used to thicken water to allow ceramic beads to be suspended in the liquid and injected into the ground at high pressure, which breaks up rocks allowing oil and gas to seep out.

"Now when they drill a hole they go sideways for a mile or two, and frack not once or twice but 10-15 times – that's what's led to the skyrocketing price," he says.

The US oil industry is expected to have bought 300,000 tonnes of Indian guar gum [which is made from grinding down the guar beans] this year – 75% of the country's total output. Demand was so strong over the summer that panic buying set in and prices were doubling week-by-week.

The price rise was so steep that giant US oilfield services company Halliburton was forced to issue a profit warning, cautioning investors that the rising cost of guar would hurt its profits because it had risen to represent 30% of its costs. Rival Baker Hughes also warned shareholders that the price was "horrific" and some wells were even forced to shutdown because they could not access enough guar.

The companies are so concerned about the volatile price, which has yo-yoed between $8-25 a kilo this year and currently stands at about $10 at auction, that they are moving resources into developing synthetic alternatives. Last month Halliburton's president of strategy and corporate development, Timothy Probert, moved to reassure analysts that the company had its alternative PermStim ready to go if guar prices reached the level they hit in the summer.

The high guar price is also affecting the food we eat because manufacturers have been priced out by oil groups. This year food companies are expected to account for just 20% of India's guar exports – a drop from near 100% less than five years ago.

"The food industry is beginning to realise just how good a deal they had for so long," Seisun says. "When prices were as low as $1 a kilo they were complaining when it went up by a few cents. Now it can double in a week."

Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)
