gorwing Brahmi in hydroponics system



New Member
If growing brahmi in hydroponic system, can any1 provide information with respect to growing medium, type of hydroponic system suitable, nutrients/fertilizers to increase biomass and alkaloid yield.

*related topic link needed:synthesis of active substances in Brahmi (brahmin, other bacoside)."

*personal/theoretical experience about cost effectiveness of mass cultivation bramhi using hydroponic system."

kirti s

New Member
Dear Sir

brahmi grows very well in cocopeat.It grows under varying soil and climatic conditions. It grows exceptionally well in poorly drained soils and waterlogged areas under sub-tropical conditions. The plants grow faster at high temperatures (33-400 C) and humidity (65-80%) and should be cultivated as summer-rainy season crop.

d u think hydroponics is needed for brahmi
