crop managment and culture control techniques in papaya cultivation



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In next one week time i am about to plant red lady papaya plants in 10 acers of land.

I would like to know the best practices,crop managment and culture control techniques in papaya culture to protect from viral diseases and for better health of the plant.

Please advise me on the same.


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PApaya is a tropical plant. The temperature varies between 25 to 30 degree celcius.

Spacing followed 3m x 2 m.
To minimise flower shedding or fruit shedding irrigate the land before the soil become dry.


Fruit rot- occurs in humid tempertaures,.

Boron deficiency is seen in sandy , gravel soils.

For other technical details please visit the nearest horticulture department.


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3m X 2 m is wide
Only 675 plants can be planted in one acre

For Red lady dwarf optimum spacing is 8feet X 6feet ie. 2.4m X 1.8m
Total plants are 900/acre

Use drip irrigation to apply exact quantity of water and fertilizer as per requirements only

From each tree 60-80kg fruits can be obtained


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Ashwini and Girish Thanks for your input.

I have 2 acre in my village and 0.5 acre in bangalore city, so planning to plant.
Is it good idea to plant in bangalore city. 0.5 acre is not used for any thinge except some flower plants for home use.

For Ashwini and Girish
1. what is the measurement of manhole to be digged and any fertilizer is required while filling.
2. After irregating the land before plantation, how many days we need to wait to plant. Is it require to do soil testing.

For Surya
2. From where are you purchasing the plants, are they good? Please let me know the contacts.

Great thanks All!!

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Hi Ashwini,

I had recently visited Indian Instittue Research Arg in Hessarghat(bangalore) enquiring about red lady. But they do not have plants/promise us on how much we get the yield for this.

Instead they suggested to plant SURYA vareity, do you have any idea about this. How is the market for this. I heard from them it is more Sweeter 14% than REDLADY, but it weights around 600-800 gms. Means over all yield will be less for commercial.

Any Suggestions...


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papaya cultivation


In next one week time i am about to plant red lady papaya plants in 10 acers of land.

I would like to know the best practices,crop managment and culture control techniques in papaya culture to protect from viral diseases and for better health of the plant.

Please advise me on the same.

Your location of culltivation is not mentioned,you may need proper package of practice for your project,it no doubt a big poject nearly 25-40 lakhs tournover should come from this project.
In future,if you find dificulties, you can contact me.

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New Member

Thanks for all your inputs.

Can you aslo provide me inputs on the precautionary and preventive mesasures that i need to impement to protect from attack of virus diseases.

Gosh:-My location of cultivation is in kolegal,near Bangalore,I wil defneaty contact you,Thanks for your support .

Sonu:-I didnt buy the plants,I managed to buy the seeds from my friend,and i started developing them on my own,

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