Blueberry Farming ( soil preparation)

Blueberries grow best in highly acidic. To grow this plant in India will need similar conditions and any soil with a pH above 6.0 is unsuitable. All blueberries will produce the biggest crop of the sweetest berries if grown in full sun though they can be grown in partial shade quite successfully.

Soil preparation is important as your plants will be in the same spot for a number of years. About two weeks before planting your blueberries dig their planting holes. Dig the soil around 10 inches deep, digging out a square about one metre across to give the side-spreading roots plenty of chance to reach into the prepared ground. The soil taken out from the hole should be mixed with equal parts of leafmould, compost or coco peat (make sure they are sold specifically for horticultural use and are not treated in any way). Dig the hole then fill it back in with the prepared soil. Plants should be spaced 3 feet apart.

Things to remember:-
1) Soil pH should be between 4.5 to 5.8 and acidic.
2) Well Drained soil.
3) If the pH is very high you can lower the pH by using small amount of sulfur.
4) Best to use small amount of coco peat along with the soil taken out from hole and also some leafmould.

Now, this preparation will give you quality blueberries with good price.

(To be continued.........)

Blueberry Farming ( Growing Blueberries)

Recently planted blueberries will need to be watered in dry weather. Collected rain water is always better than tap water which can be more alkaline, especially if you live in a hard water area. Apply the water generously once or twice a week, making sure the moisture reaches down into the soil than just the top few centimeters. Top up the mulch each spring and at the same time use some fertilizer made for acid loving plants like Azaleas and Rhododendrons into the soil. This (acidic) fertilizer will give a welcome boost for the start of the growing season (slow-release type fertilizer is better that deliver the nutrients over a longer period are also available).

Blueberries are usually not troubled by insect pests and diseases. However, hungry birds can eat away at the developing fruits so you will need to add netting around the plants if possible. Support this over them from early June as the fruits begin to start...

Things to remember:-
1) water the plants nicely once or twice a week.
2) Rain water is always better than tap water for blueberries
3) Use slow release fertilizers made for acid loving plants(you can get plenty in the market)
4) Use some technique to protect from birds when it starts fruiting...

(to be continued ........)
