Be a Millionaire with Teak Plantation

Be a Millionaire with Teak Plantation

We are happy to introduce our organization GREEN INDIA AGRICULTURE& BIOTECHNOLOGY is leading producer & seller Of Teak roots in U.P. Which give you maximum gain from your least Investment of 30/-rupees will give you gain of 10000*/- rupees per tree in 16 years span.

E.g. If you invest in 100 trees now it will give you gain of 100* 16
Years. Today’s time Bank Fixed Deposit is counted as safest investment. But our calculation will prove that Teak Investment is safest & fastest Growing investment.
Teak wood is called as "gold wood" because of its multiuse of furniture, doors, musical instrument & decorative items.

Comparison in investment bank F.D. & Teak Investment

30/Rs investment in Teak Tree will give Gain of 10000/-

Tenure of 16 years

2500/Rs investment in Bank FD will give Gain of 10000/-

Your investments grow 285 times faster than any investment.

Best & useful for Farmers, Farm house & unused land owner.
Main features of our company

1) lowest morality rate of Teak.
2) Any type of advise, consultancy & Training is provided by company
3)Free three month Plant hormone supply is provided by company.
4) Girth growth is higher.
5) Drought & pathogen resistant.
6) Hassle free investment

(* Cost of teak tree is calculated on basis of wood market of UP & MP. If you are
Not belong to above state, we request you to confirm same from local wood market
Or forest department of your state)

Kindly mail.....
Please contact....
(Since I have to travel frequently request you to wait 2 to 3 days for my reply)
Anil Gupta
G.I.A. & B.
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Well-Known Member
Be a Millionaire with Teak Plantation

We are happy to introduce our organization GREEN INDIA AGRICULTURE& BIOTECHNOLOGY is leading producer & seller Of Teak roots in U.P. Which give you maximum gain from your least Investment of 30/-rupees will give you gain of 10000*/- rupees per tree in 16 years span.

E.g. If you invest in 100 trees now it will give you gain of 100* 16
Years. Today’s time Bank Fixed Deposit is counted as safest investment. But our calculation will prove that Teak Investment is safest & fastest Growing investment.
Teak wood is called as "gold wood" because of its multiuse of furniture, doors, musical instrument & decorative items.

Comparison in investment bank F.D. & Teak Investment

30/Rs investment in Teak Tree will give Gain of 10000/-

Tenure of 16 years

2500/Rs investment in Bank FD will give Gain of 10000/-

Your investments grow 285 times faster than any investment.

Best & useful for Farmers, Farm house & unused land owner.
Main features of our company

1) lowest morality rate of Teak.
2) Any type of advise, consultancy & Training is provided by company
3)Free three month Plant hormone supply is provided by company.
4) Girth growth is higher.
5) Drought & pathogen resistant.
6) Hassle free investment

(* Cost of teak tree is calculated on basis of wood market of UP & MP. If you are
Not belong to above state, we request you to confirm same from local wood market
Or forest department of your state)

Kindly mail...
(Since I have to travel frequently request you to wait 2 to 3 days for my reply)
Anil Gupta
G.I.A. & B.
Can teak plantation support my following project?
I am interested in cultivating all the 360 species of genus Elaeocarpus belonging to family elaeocarpaceae known in various parts of the world as Rudraksha(Asia),Blue Berry Ash(Australia & Newzealand),Silver Quandong (US & Europe), Blue Marble tree etc. I am particularly interested in the species Elaeocarpus ganitrus Roxb. for religious reasons. Can you supply the seeds of all these species, at least those found in your locality?
Dr.Dileep Wani
Please contact....
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i am from karanataka
get me the details an u supply to karanataka(banglore)
what is min purchase can i plant this in mango plantation


Farmers please don't get fooled with false claims

My Dear Farmer friends

Please get photo or sample of 16 years old trunk with only 16 annular rings and Analise the % of SAP wood and heart wood. You will fetch good rate only for heart wood.



Post the proof of your claim

Mr Gupta

Rather than sending PM message please post your reply in the forum
I believe your claims are please testify your claims.
I have suggestions.
Please provide website address if you have any.
If you have achieved 5feet dia with 100 feet length trunk growth i am sure you might have been posed in media or have pictures with such tree. please provide those details.

Unless you provide proof for your claim, I feel like this is one more scam

Mr Gowda

proof of your claim

Mr. Gowda

Its good to see you in role of uncal SAM

But you are the person jump on conclusion very fast

Do you have any experiance how teak trees are sold?

If "yes" kindly provide me per foot rate of teak rate of your area.

I had always claim commercial value if teak is 10000/- after 16 years

Many person including rohit had asked me to post photo

See Mr Gowda Ultimate answer lies in that is investor get

return of his investment with present value of market

which can be prove by market rate of Teak wood today

not with photo

Anil Gupta


No evidance or proof

Mr Akash

Basically you don't have any evidence to prove your claim, Not even any media publication or any website(Not even Business membership in this forum). Check the Nabard website for proper information on Teak plantation.Your claim is for for for away from reality.
If you want to sell product please provide proper evidence

FYI i am have Teak Plantation and i have visited few globally before i start my own.

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I am going to report you to SEBI

Mr Gupta

I don't care for your following PM message Legal notice you want to send, Infact i am going to report you to Admin of and SEBI for false claim on Teak. Do not try to fool people instead try to work hard and earn.

This is the message that was sent:
*Dear Gowda

Kindly provide complete address of yours

we are inprocess of sending legal notice to you

Anil Gupta*


Well-Known Member
Tissue culture teak plantations


i seen some postings regarding teak cultivation and its timber value.some bodies asking photo of the teak tree.If photo is suffuicient for proving the yield of teak? And one of our member mr Gowda stating about the NABARD parameters.Mr gowda that yardsticks for what? its applicable for normal root /stumps plantations But they never mentioned tissue culture teak plantations.But i dnt know whether Gupthajis teak plants belongs to tissue culture or ordinary root stumps? Mr Gowda i was in the arboriculture aswellas tissue culture past nine years.And also i have nine years old tissue culture teak trees are with clients.if you want photos or physical inspection i will show it in india not abroad.For example i want to tell you that our tissue culture teak trees were reached the girth of 32 inches on completion of sixth year.kindly provide your email ID for uploading the photos taken in the Tissue culture teak garden.I think that you have planted teak plantations nearly 30 acres of you.But i dnt know which type teak saplings you have planted.?

thank you

A sivakumar
Priya Nursery Garden


Well-Known Member
Tissue culture teak plantations

Dear sir,

i found some information about teak cultivation in this site.Teak plantation is nice cultivation and investment.But we will adopt the the new technology in agriculture.So the tissue culture teak plantation will good yield compare with teak stumps/root planting.By planting the tissue culture we can save the duration of the cultivation.because the time is gold now a days.

for more deatils plz contact ;

A Sivakumar
Priya Nursery Garden,


Active Member

i seen some postings regarding teak cultivation and its timber value.some bodies asking photo of the teak tree.If photo is suffuicient for proving the yield of teak? And one of our member mr Gowda stating about the NABARD parameters.Mr gowda that yardsticks for what? its applicable for normal root /stumps plantations But they never mentioned tissue culture teak plantations.But i dnt know whether Gupthajis teak plants belongs to tissue culture or ordinary root stumps? Mr Gowda i was in the arboriculture aswellas tissue culture past nine years.And also i have nine years old tissue culture teak trees are with clients.if you want photos or physical inspection i will show it in india not abroad.For example i want to tell you that our tissue culture teak trees were reached the girth of 32 inches on completion of sixth year.kindly provide your email ID for uploading the photos taken in the Tissue culture teak garden.I think that you have planted teak plantations nearly 30 acres of you.But i dnt know which type teak saplings you have planted.?

thank you

A sivakumar
Priya Nursery Garden
Hi Sivakumar,

I have contacted you earlier regarding tissueculture teak photos. Kindly send me proof that teak trees reached the girth of 32 inches on completion of sixth year.

I have 20 year old trees which are no ware near 32 " . Do also mention the place as to where the tree is .

I am also sending this message to your e_mail id.
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Active Member
Be a Millionaire with Teak Plantation

We are happy to introduce our organization GREEN INDIA AGRICULTURE& BIOTECHNOLOGY is leading producer & seller Of Teak roots in U.P. Which give you maximum gain from your least Investment of 30/-rupees will give you gain of 10000*/- rupees per tree in 16 years span.

E.g. If you invest in 100 trees now it will give you gain of 100* 16
Years. Today’s time Bank Fixed Deposit is counted as safest investment. But our calculation will prove that Teak Investment is safest & fastest Growing investment.
Teak wood is called as "gold wood" because of its multiuse of furniture, doors, musical instrument & decorative items.

Comparison in investment bank F.D. & Teak Investment

30/Rs investment in Teak Tree will give Gain of 10000/-

Tenure of 16 years

2500/Rs investment in Bank FD will give Gain of 10000/-

Your investments grow 285 times faster than any investment.

Best & useful for Farmers, Farm house & unused land owner.
Main features of our company

1) lowest morality rate of Teak.
2) Any type of advise, consultancy & Training is provided by company
3)Free three month Plant hormone supply is provided by company.
4) Girth growth is higher.
5) Drought & pathogen resistant.
6) Hassle free investment

(* Cost of teak tree is calculated on basis of wood market of UP & MP. If you are
Not belong to above state, we request you to confirm same from local wood market
Or forest department of your state)

Kindly mail.....
Please contact....
(Since I have to travel frequently request you to wait 2 to 3 days for my reply)
Anil Gupta
G.I.A. & B.
i have teal planted in my farm which are 20 years old and going by me experience your clam are not sustainable for mass growth of teak trees. Dear farmers investigate for yourself before believing in business motive posts in this forum.
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New Member
Be a Millionaire with Teak Plantation

We are happy to introduce our organization GREEN INDIA AGRICULTURE& BIOTECHNOLOGY is leading producer & seller Of Teak roots in U.P. Which give you maximum gain from your least Investment of 30/-rupees will give you gain of 10000*/- rupees per tree in 16 years span.

E.g. If you invest in 100 trees now it will give you gain of 100* 16
Years. Today’s time Bank Fixed Deposit is counted as safest investment. But our calculation will prove that Teak Investment is safest & fastest Growing investment.
Teak wood is called as "gold wood" because of its multiuse of furniture, doors, musical instrument & decorative items.

Comparison in investment bank F.D. & Teak Investment

30/Rs investment in Teak Tree will give Gain of 10000/-

Tenure of 16 years

2500/Rs investment in Bank FD will give Gain of 10000/-

Your investments grow 285 times faster than any investment.

Best & useful for Farmers, Farm house & unused land owner.
Main features of our company

1) lowest morality rate of Teak.
2) Any type of advise, consultancy & Training is provided by company
3)Free three month Plant hormone supply is provided by company.
4) Girth growth is higher.
5) Drought & pathogen resistant.
6) Hassle free investment

(* Cost of teak tree is calculated on basis of wood market of UP & MP. If you are
Not belong to above state, we request you to confirm same from local wood market
Or forest department of your state)

Kindly mail.....
Please contact....
(Since I have to travel frequently request you to wait 2 to 3 days for my reply)
Anil Gupta
G.I.A. & B.
please mail phone number. whatsapp +254 733786525 (kenya) Munir Jagani
