Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

a gentler break into floriculture business


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New Member
The deal is that you rent my 1 acre polyhouse for 3 year "Bordo" rose production at Rs60000 deposit and Rs 30000 per month rent for the first 4 months paid in advance, there after you pay in form of 600 bundles of roses per month at rate of 50 bundles (of fixed quality), every monday wednesday and friday for the remaining 32 months.
The management is all yours but I can be around to share my experience as I have my 1 acre chrysanthemum project running at the same site.
Your investment will be around 10lakhs instead of 60 L required to obtain land and build polyhouse and you should be left with a capital of 25L at the and of 3 years if you wish to start your own project in future .
Its a safer start and you get your capital out before your own start lowering the risk and stress when the amounts get larger .
Send me your email address and I can give you the xcel work sheet of financial working too .[/FON

Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)
