3 in 1 Bio fertilizer - for Plant Growth, Immunity, Pest Control



Active Member
Progro is a liquid organic ALL in ONE product, which can be used in all types of crop / plant like paddy, vegetables, mango, tea garden, horticulture, medicinal plants, flowers, wheat, betel etc.

Progro works in 3 ways:
1.Substantially increases the crop yield through proper plant nutrition.
2.Improves plant immunity against diseases.
3.Powerful Pest repellent

Progro is a natural and easy substitute for chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
Progro makes organic farming easy and profitable. It helps in reducing the cost of cultivation and improve the profits.

Having received several requests for providing a trial pack, we have made special arrangements to send TRIAL PACK of one litre bottle through courier at a subsidised cost of Rs.450/- only.

For details please write to:
