organic farming manure

  1. A

    Organic Fertilizer from Biogas Plant - only Rs. 3/kg

    We have Biogas Purification and Bottling Plant in Vadodara, Gujarat. We produce 5 to 6 tons of organic fertilizer daily. Our fertilizer is considered 100% organic due to several reasons. There are suitable substitutes for the nutrients nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous from organic...
  2. S

    Bio fertiliser / Cow compost for sale @ 1/- kg

    Dear Sir, We are running a Indian Cow center ( Gaushala) in Greater Noida, We have a good amount of cow compost for sale @ Rs1/- per kg. Please call us or send your mails , 9899224010
  3. S

    Agro Shredder Machine

    Innovative Technologies makes Agro Shredder Machine. Our machine is designed to work quickly and efficiently providing total safety at low cost. The primary function of this qulaty product is to shred all types of organic materials, used to generate organic fertilizer. Organic Fertilizer is...
  4. S

    Cow Dung based Slurry(Anarobically digested) for sale

    For a initial motivation and promotion we are offering Rs. 1.00 per litre. Transportation charges will be of buyer. Our Area of operation: Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan. For other states buyer have to make arrangements for transportation. For discussion, please contact Saurabh Verma, e-mail...
  5. H

    Aloe Vera and Medicinal Plant’s Cultivation Training Program at Pink City

    HCMS is organizing a 2 days of Stevia-Aloe Vera and Medicinal Plant’s Cultivation Training Program in the Fourth week (26-27 October) 2012 .You can have complete guide to growing, harvesting, and marketing Aloe Vera leaves .Valuable information is compiled from growers, research trials, and...
  6. R

    iNcrease yOur profiT from agricultuRe

    Progro is a liquid organic plant protector and growth promoter which can be used in all types of cultivation like Tea Garden, Mango Orchids, Medicinal Plants, vegetables, paddy and any other crop. Progro works in 3 ways: 1.Substantially increases the crop yield through proper plant...
  7. R

    tRial paCks aVailable - PROGRO liquid pLant pRotector & orGanic maNure+micRoNutrients

    Progro is a liquid organic plant protector and growth promoter which can be used in all types of cultivation like Tea Garden, Mango Orchids, Medicinal Plants, vegetables, paddy and any other crop. Progro works in 3 ways: 1.Substantially increases the crop yield through proper plant...
  8. R

    NatUral and eaSy subsTitute to CheMical FertiliZers and pestiCides

    A single product can help you replace both chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides over a period of time. Progro is a liquid organic plant protector and growth promoter which can be used in all types of cultivation like Tea Garden, Mango Orchids, Medicinal Plants, vegetables, paddy and...
  9. R

    Trial pacKs aVailable - Progro liquid organiC fertiliZer cum plant Protector

    Progro is a liquid organic plant protector and growth promoter which can be used in all types of cultivation like Tea Garden, Mango Orchids, Medicinal Plants, vegetables, paddy and any other crop. Progro works in 3 ways: 1.Substantially increases the crop yield through proper plant...
  10. R

    Useful for medicinal plant growers / cultivators

    Progro is a liquid organic plant protector and growth promoter which can be used in all types of Medicinal Plants. It is 100% natural and safe for humans and environment. A single product can help you replace both chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides over a period of time. It...
  11. R

    Natural and easy substitute to Chemical Fertilizers and Pesticides

    A single product can help you replace both chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides over a period of time. Progro is a liquid organic plant protector and growth promoter which can be used in all types of cultivation like Tea Garden, Mango Orchids, Medicinal Plants, vegetables, paddy and...
  12. R

    Natural substitute to Chemical Fertilizers and Pesticides

    Progro can be used in any kind of cultivation like Tea Garden, Mango Orchids, Medicinal Plants, or any other crop. A single product can help you replace both chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides over a period of time. "PROGRO" is a liquid organic item and very easy to use. Just add 2-3...
  13. R

    Natural substitute to Chemical Fertilizers and Pesticides

    If you are using chemical fertilizers and pesticides for any kind of cultivation like Tea Garden, Mango Orchids, Medicinal Plants, and any other crop, then this product is for you. A single product can help you replace both chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides over a period of time...
  14. R

    Plant protector and growth promoter-100% organic and herbal

    A single product can help you replace both chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides over a period of time. Progro is a liquid organic plant protector and growth promoter which can be used in all types of cultivation like Tea Garden, Mango Orchids, Medicinal Plants, vegetables, paddy and...
