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  • Dear Vishnusankar,
    I am cultivating hybrid Brinjal and tomato in 30 acres in hydrabad. Each crop grow more then 10 feets. For the support of the plants, I am using casurina stick about 7 to 10 cms diameter. I am required about 4400 sticks per acre and costing Rs.10 per stick. For 30 acres, I am need of more then 1,20,000. I want cultivate the casurina in waste land which will grow faster upto 12 feet height and short time of 3 to 4 months. Please suggest me, if any other tree is available for my need. Bamboo grow faster but we can't use immediately.

    With regards
    dear mr vishnu sankar,
    i have 14 acres kumil with melia dubia(10 months and 5month old).
    there is severe pest infestation in kumil(there are small insects in the underside of leaves,all the leaves fall off and the terminal bud dries off.)
    as i am doing zero budget natural farming ,i tried all natural pesticides but to no effect,please do advice,
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