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  • It is good that you are into coleus farming. What help you require from our side ? Call on 9826556880 & discuss properly.
    hi friend
    iam a farmer from jhansi (U.P.).have a well developed40 acre farm land with water,electricity etc at national you interested in cultivating any crop on the basis of joint venture/partenership.?
    Dear friend,
    I have 300 acres of land in Khajuraho MP with water table 300 feet, good soil, electricity and on road land.
    Can u suggest me somebody who can take this land on lease or star a joint venture with us for agriculture.
    yadwinder how are you as discussed with you we are supplying huge quantity of good quality turmeric seeds to punjab and other states i have supplied more than 200mt tons but i have not had any problems with my other farmers, regarding the quality of seeds our quality is good and i have repeat orders from farmers and associations , regarding weight loss there is sure to be some weight loss as this is raw turmeric seeds as a farmer i think you will understand.
    regarding technical details and we can give details of our farm practice we are not seed company to assure you the yield we can only share some information on our farm practice and how we can achieve the maximun yield per acrea, we are only trying to help friend like you to do turmeric farming. please let me know what details you want specifically i will adress that and i will not be held responsible for your yield.\regards
    suresh you provide good quality of seed inproper quantity, ... but i culd not belive how it become rotten in five days and its weight become 10% less + fungus occurs , shrinked and dry fingers in 3 bags, and much more in its bags besides turmeric seed,like soil, about 1.5 kg per bag etc, ..
    for their assistance, i yet not recived any mail or information fron suresh .. as he promissed before deal..
    dear suresh hi
    pl read the message from mr Yadvinder Singh from Punjab who has purchased seed of Rajender soni from you and he is not satisfied with the quality and more over you are not responding after the supply of seed.
    Offer to Supply : "LB10 (BIOTO-10 Liquid)", a microorganism liquid formula that is produced through the fermentation process micro-bacterial perfectly with the latest technology which consists of thousands of species of bacteria, the bacteria either positive or negative bacterium that can live side by side without killing each other, so has the multi-functionality and usability in the field of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fishery and Environmental Improvement.

    For information & Requirement please send email to :

    M. Musthofa Kamal
    hi please contact me if you want quality high yielding turmeric seed materials for your farming purpose pl call me on 09844003090 09449003090
    hello sir.
    i am a farmer from punjab , i want information about turmeric seed what you are selling, if you give more detail about rajindra soni varity, i can buy for 10 acers. plese call me on

    yadwinder singh
    Turmeric planting material available from a farm near Chamarajanagar, Karnataka. 130 km from coimbatore, 60 km from Mysore, 150 Km from Bangalore.
    Planting material is disease free and pest free. High yielder. Please contact me for the same.

    Contact . 9740560112,
    Thanking you,
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