Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

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  • Happy New Year 2009.> I am a teacher at Songkhla college of agriculture and technoilogy, Songkhla Thailand.> I need to see contexts of Adhatoda vasica Nees such as plant systemic, utility, anatomy, environetment and culture for finding plant to prevent my college from erotion. Every year, Pumee channel at Rattaphum District cleave college in two areas will flood and so hard this year. After hard flooding, so many plants loss from the shore, I see it. Naturally, a lot of its' fibrous roots can fly in water. We call it Sanead(in the south and central), Mora(in the north) and Bora or Gula(in the northeast). Now, I try to grow bamboos, forest plants on the top of the shores for 1,300 meter and the slope next time. I need it, would you mind help me.> > Surasak Aowcharoen> M.Sc. Agricultural Development.> > To:>
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