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  • You will find people doing agriculture around your farm itself. Thereis no dryness any part of the farmland, as the area is rich in water. If your interested to know more, you can call me on 9108362671. Thank you Teena
    You can buy the land, cut the trees and sell and earn money and start agriculture land with the money the trees will earn you. There is no permission required from any high source as the land is already free for agriculture since 1990.
    . each tree will give you return of 1 lakh to 1.25lakh when you sell when they are fully grown. The land has amazing water sources and is also holding a dam 2kms away. BEST FOR AGRICULTURE, the land is Hosur, Tamil Nadu.
    hello, we have teak plantation for just 85/- per sqft that is for quater acre, 25 cent its only 9,16,000/- only. You will be getting 60+ teak trees already grown 10 years in the field. You do not need agricultural back ground to register, immediate registration is available
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