Wanted Wanted farmer certificate



Well-Known Member
How i get Farmer Certificate ?
If your parents or grand parents or their parents or any of your backward traceable lineage held agricultural land anywhere in India in their name and you can prove it by any traceable documents to the village officer/village accountant of that village where the land was located in your parents name or grand parents name or their parents names and so on to the past, you can get a certificate as farmer (of farmer lineage) from that village officer/village accountant. Farmer Certificate is required by all persons who intends to buy agricultural land in certain states of India such as Karnataka, Maharashtra etc. If you have no such traceable farmer lineage there are some ways to get the certificate from states where there are no restrictions on non-farmers buying farm lands. We can get you the certificate from such states which involves buying a minimum area in your name in that state and then obtaining the certificate. Please contact us for further details by mail to E: greenlandfns@gmail.com
