tree plantation in Bihar



New Member
Hi Team,
I am interested in tree plantation on a relatively smaller land tract (approx . 1 Bigha) in Northern Bihar which falls in North West Alluvial Plain Zone. Have no problem of irrigation as water table is decent.

Could any of our esteemed panelist please suggest me which tree plantation would be beneficial in terms of return and what is the time period for the return. I am interested for short time span of 3-4 years.

Thanks in advance !!


Senior Member

You can grow grafted amla or some suitable fruit trees which will give good returns, you can also grow medicinal herbs like shatavari, Salacia etc.


Active Member
good variety of bamboo will fetch high returns

You can go in for a good variety of bamboo like Bambusa balcooa which is ready for harvest after 3-4 years. It will fetch you a good price as one pole (culm) of B.balcooa is fetching more than Rs. 100 in local markets. And bamboo once planted continues to yield annually for the next 35-40 years till it flowers and dies. It is rarely bothered by pests and diseases. If watered and manured it will grow very well in a short period of time.

One bigha can accomodate about 65-70 plants of B. balcooa at a spacing of 5m x5m. After 3-4 years you can harvest about 5 poles from each bamboo clump. This means 5x 70 or 350 poles. At Rs. 100 per pole you will easily get Rs. 35,000 per year. More if the poles sell for higher price. Balcooa poles are in great demand for handicrafts and for construction. For more information see the NMBA website:BAMBOO (NMBA) : HOME. You will get good information about where to get balcooa plants from and how to grow them. All the best.
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