Teak wood plantation in tamil nadu



New Member
I own 2 acres of land in vellore dist.,tamil nadu.I would like to grow teak wood as i am not cultivating any thing in that land.some people came to our village and gave us some information about teak plantation and its benefits they are for example"after 10 yrs you will get good profit for your investment and some trees would even sell upto 1 lac Rs. " etc. and they said the breed is burma teak
but we forgot to get their contact details .so if any one is aware of that or if u have any sort of details on teak plantation,seedlings availablity etc. it would be helpful for me also if u can please give me contact details of people in and around tamil nadu who deal with teakwood seedlings and polypots.



Well-Known Member
Teak plantations

Dear sir,

You have asked about teak plantations.And also somebody sggested you that you will get Rs one lakh per tree after 10 years.I think its not possible.if you plant root/stump of teak the cultivation period is minimum 25 to 30 years.what about yield of the root/stump plantations? Its very very less.Recently i gone to Kallathur ,Jeyakondam,Ariyalur Dist for field physical inspection for sandalwood plantations.i met one farmer his name is Mr selvamani.he grown some 60 teak trees (stump planting) upto 20 years..And also he sold the entire 60 trees for RS one lakh.So its fact .But iwant to suggest to plant Tissue culture teak plantations.The growth rate of the TC teak is 10 to 12' per year.The root/stump also grow very rapidly like TC teak i.e 8 to 10'per year.But you never get uniform growth in stump plantations.In TC teak plantations 90% uniform growth will be there.You wll get some asured income of Rs 8000/- to Rs 10000/- per tree on completion of 10 years.
its not possible in stump/root plantations.

For more details plz.contact us;

Priya Nursery Garden,

Dear sir,

You have asked about teak plantations.And also somebody sggested you that you will get Rs one lakh per tree after 10 years.I think its not possible.if you plant root/stump of teak the cultivation period is minimum 25 to 30 years.what about yield of the root/stump plantations? Its very very less.Recently i gone to Kallathur ,Jeyakondam,Ariyalur Dist for field physical inspection for sandalwood plantations.i met one farmer his name is Mr selvamani.he grown some 60 teak trees (stump planting) upto 20 years..And also he sold the entire 60 trees for RS one lakh.So its fact .But iwant to suggest to plant Tissue culture teak plantations.The growth rate of the TC teak is 10 to 12' per year.The root/stump also grow very rapidly like TC teak i.e 8 to 10'per year.But you never get uniform growth in stump plantations.In TC teak plantations 90% uniform growth will be there.You wll get some asured income of Rs 8000/- to Rs 10000/- per tree on completion of 10 years.
its not possible in stump/root plantations.

For more details plz.contact us;

Priya Nursery Garden,
Dear Sivakumar can tell about the tissue culture teak plantation it may be very useful for me because i am interested in teak plantation or alternatively sandalwood trees plantation
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Well-Known Member
Teak& sandal plantations

Dear Muthuram,

thank you for your kind response and your interset in arboriculture.Kindly intimate your corrcet location for plantations .and also intimate the type of soil and water source .I want to visit your land for physical inspection.

thanking you

A Sivakumar


1)could you elaborate whats is basis of assured income of 8000 to 10000?
2) is any scintific evidence of your claim?

I would like comments from PAN india from senior memmber for this claim?

Anil Gupta


I have a 70 Acre teak plantation in the foothills of the Western Ghats; that is more than 12 years old. So from personal experience, I can tell you not to expect any substantial income at the end of 10 years [leave alone fancy expectations like Rs.5000/- per Tree at the end of 10 years]. May be just one or two Trees in the periphery may fetch that kind of price.

The Income from thinning at the end of 9 or 10 years will not be better than a single harvest of Casuarina Plantation [which could be harvested in just 4 to 6 years period and could be harvested twice in a span of 10 years time]. Hence, income from a teak plantation will begin to accrue after 15 years or so. You can expect substantial income only after 25 -30 years.

So please do not fall a prey to nursery/sapling vendors. If the promises that you keep hearing/reading about teak plantations are even partially true, then 60-70 % of the lands in India would have long been converted into Teak Plantations.

I know Vellore to be a very hot and dry place and where Labour is also costly; therefore I would advise you to probe other prospects. There is one large Teak Plantation started by ‘Anubhav Plantations’ - in a village called Punnaipadi [or something like that] that is just 7 to 8 Kms away from Arcot - you can personally visit the farm, if you are adamant in starting a teak farm. Please do not fall a victim to vendors of Tissue Culture; Saplings; and Consultants who sill make you think that growing Teak is like growing green Gold.



New Member
What is Casuarina


You mentioned about Casuarina. What is that?. Will this grow in Madurai District Area where temperature is high. What sort of care is required. How much it will cost If I plant in one acre. How many trees I can plant in One acre.



Well-Known Member
Teak(Tissue culture) plantations

Dear Anil Guptha,

You have asked about tissue culture teak plantations and its return,I not forgot your posting in the same site.What You told that the Price of teak stump/root is Rs 35/-per stump/root.the same thing is availiable from Rs 2 /- per stump and thum size root will be Rs 5/-per stump in tamilnadu.By planting your stump the farmer will get Rs 10000/-per tree in sixteen years.Is it possible?.I have already mentioned one testmony that Sri Selvamani,Kallathur Village,Jeyakondam TQ,Ariyalur Dist,tamil;nadu sold sixty teak trees (promoted by stumps/roots) for Rs 100000/- on completion of 20 years.Rs one lakh for sixty trees not for a single tree.In this connection you have stated that one farmer in rajasthan named Syed planted teak saplings in his garden were wornout.mr Guptha birth and death is a committed ,common and universe .No body will challange the nature.What i mentioned in my postings tissue culture teak saplings gives good yield.I am doing the tissue culture teak plantations past nine years.I am having the nine years trees with me.By planting tissue culture teak saplings will reach the girth of 32 inches on completion of sixth year.After that the growth will slow because the density will more and hardnesswill be there.So on completion of tenth year the girth will be 40 inches.We can get 6 cbt to 8 cbt on completion of tenth year.The salient feature in the tissue culture is setting of heartwood (inner portion)wiil be morethan 70%.But in your stump planting you will get lesasthan 30%.The setting of the heartwood is the deciding factor of the price of timber.An account of this you will get more price .But this is not possible in stump planting.Mr Guptha you the present market rate of the teak timber?I will tell you 1.First quality =Rs 3500/-per Cubic Feet,2.Second quality =Rs 2500/-per cft3.Third quality =Rs 1500/-per cft .I quoted the last price i.e Rs 1500/-per cft.So eight cft teak timber will comes Rs 10000/-per tree.I think this is the scientficv and systematic analyis.So you go for tissue culture teak plantations.

thank you

A sivakumar

We offer high quality, high timber value sapling including Sandal, Red Sandal, Teak, Mahoghany, African Mahoghany, Rosewood, Vengai, Kumil, Malai Vembu and many rare species.

Please let me know your requirements and place.

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Well-Known Member
Tissue culture Teak Plantations

Dear Mr.penikila,

you have mentioned about Anubav plantations in Arcot area.You correct about anubav plantations in Arcot ,In Vellore Dist.i am also seen the factor in Arcot.Do you have planted tissue culture Teak saplings in western ghat? or Do you whether the Anubav plantations have planted the tissue culture teak saplings? whether have you visited the tissue culture lab? or seen a tissue culture teak sapling?.do you know the salary of the agro scientist in tissue culture labs?.You know how much cost involve to set up or establish a tissue culture lab?.You are blaming the vendors of plants i.e nurserymen were cheating.Without knowing the fact you should post fake posting in this site.kindly give definition for tissue culture?what for tissue culture invented?.Is it tissue culture is waste one in the world? why you are agaist tissue culture and advance technology in agri activities.If you want to know tissue culture teak plantations plz come with me i will so many fields and farmers which were promoted and planted by me.You know the advancement in medical field.Kindly go through the insemination/test tube baby formulations.Its a very miracle and boon to childless parents.I think you dnt know feelings of the issueless parents? .So plz try understand the modern technologies availiable in the world.

Thank you

A Sivakumar
