Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

Stevia Seeds | Paraguay | Stevia-Store.Com


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Please visit We are main stevia producers and reference in Google for the last 7 years in searches for "stevia seeds in south america". We have 10 years innovating in this industry.

We export stevia seeds from Paraguay -the homeland of stevia- with the highest quality. SteviaLand, Co doesn’t use chemicals to grow stevia (native paraguayan herb). We ship leaves with phytosanitary certificates from the Sanitation Comittee of South America (COSAVE).

- Stevia seeds live for 90 days. Thereafter, they are no longer fertile.
- Stevia plants need cross polination by native paraguayan insects. Seeds produced in cities or areas that lack of flying insects are not fertile.
- We offer international phytosanitary certificates, professional production protocol, reliable and serious website. Occasional sellers do not have any kind of certification or reliable website.

About our seeds:
- Minimum germination of 20,000-30,000 plants/ kg of seeds.
- They are fresh and fertile - the flowers were cross polinated by native insects. The Seeds produced in cities and other lands that lack native insects that interact with stevia flowers might not be fertile.
- The stevia seeds live for 8-12 weeks at warm temperature. 5-6 months at 4 C in refrigerators.
- We ship seeds that are no older than 10 days after collection.

- Native Variety (Criole) (Steviosides: >70%, Reb A >15%). More resistant to lack of water.
- Morita II / III ; Eirete; Katupyry (Reb A >55%, Steviosides >15%). Industrial varieties, irrigation systems are mandatory, highest cotization in the market because of the highest content of Rebadioside A (better taste and sweeter than Stevioside)

Oscar M. Paats

Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)
