Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

Stevia Seeds | High Reb A Content | SteviaLand - Paraguay Homeland of Stevia


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Please visit We are main stevia producers and reference in Google for the last 7 years in searches for "stevia seeds in south america". We have 10 years innovating in this industry.

We export seeds and leaves from Paraguay -the homeland of stevia- with the highest quality. SteviaLand, Co doesn’t use chemicals to grow stevia (native paraguayan herb). We ship leaves with phytosanitary certificates from the Sanitation Comittee of South America (COSAVE).

About our stevia seeds:
- Minimum germination of 20,000-30,000 plants/ kg of seeds.
- They are fresh and fertile - the flowers were cross polinated by native insects. The Seeds produced in cities and other lands that lack native insects that interact with stevia flowers might not be fertile.
- The stevia seeds live for 8-12 weeks at warm temperature. 5-6 months at 4 C in refrigerators.
- We ship seeds that are no older than 10 days after collection.

- Native Variety (Criole) (Steviosides: >70%, Reb A >15%). More resistant to lack of water.
- Eirete, Katupyry and Morita 2 (Reb A >55%, Steviosides >15%). Industrial varieties, irrigation systems are mandatory, highest cotization in the market because of the highest content of Rebadioside A (better taste and sweeter than Stevioside)

We improve the price depending on the amount of material you need.

SteviaLand International


Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)
