Quinoa farming guidelines


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Quinoa, pronounced “keen-wa”, is well known to whole food enthusiasts as a nutritious and delicious alternative to rice, beloved of vegetarians thanks to its high protein content.

Advantages of Growing Quinoa in the Garden

A small amount of seed will grow a great deal of grain, though you must choose the right variety, with loose seed heads, if you are gardening in a temperate climate. Quinoa seeds have a soapy coating of saponins that needs to be washed off before cooking, but this stops birds from eating your crop, making it suitable for cultivation in small gardens where small scale cereal growing normally attracts an immovable flock of pigeons.
How to Grow Quinoa

Grow just as you would outdoor tomatoes (quinoa is, if anything, more robust than tomatoes).

* Sow quinoa seed thinly under cover in pots or seed trays in spring
* Prick out small plants, grow on individually in pots and harden off
* Plant out with around 50cm between plants

How to Harvest Quinoa

The seed are ready to harvest when the first seeds may be rubbed easily from the seed heads. Cut the stalk below the seed head and hang bunches of seed heads upside down, under cover, until dry.


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Hi all. Please read it carefully. This is about Quinoa seeds AND IT'S GERMINATION POWER.

SOWABLE QUINOA SEEDS are different than normal quinoa seeds in some aspects.
Let me explain.. Quinoa crop gets matured after 90 days and its seed heads becomes ready to be cultivated.
But this stage between 75 to 90 days is very dangerous in terms of effect of rain.
If there is any rain during this period for a duration of more than 1 day without existance of bright sunlight, quinoa seeds statrts germinating on the plant. longer the cloudy and rainy weather , greater will be the germinationm.

Once the climate become clear and sunny, small tentacle like shoots which appear during germination are automaticly sheds off and everything looks normal BUT resultant seeds are very tiny and AND DOES NOT HAVE MUCH GERMINATION POWER LEFT IN IT.

Nobody should sell or use such seeds for sowing.

These are more suitable for eating as these are more sweet in taste and contains minimum saponin.

I am sharing this from my own quinoa farmimg exprience.


I am reachable at +91 9850597704
or manojl.upadhyaya@gmail.com please call me for any guidlines regarding quinoa growing.
also read below message carefully

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Friends.. who are thrilled about quinoa farming,
Please note
1. Small farmers who are holding very small area of land please avoid this farming as market is not so easy.
2. Farmers who can afford to take risk of few acres, Please jump in to quinoa farming without any second thought.
3. YOU NEED TO REMEMBER one rule...' more risk more gain'
3. I am not talking as a philosopher.. I did take a risk of 4 acre
4. I got rate of 155 Rs per kg.
5. I will help for marketing but I do not buy as I am also a farmer
6. I habe no personal gain I asking you to farm quinoa
7. I DO PROVIDE GUIDENSE free of cost
8. I am sure India will be a biggest quinoa exporter and next few years can make you rich
9. I do supply seeds.
10. Per acre expense is 15000 Rs.
11. Per acre produce will be 600 kg on an avg.
13. Rates will depend upon market situation.
14. I seek your blessing to be able to help all
15. Loose soil and little water is must.
16. Red soil is best.
16. Search on Google ' quinoa manoj upadhyaya ' to know everything about quinoa farming.
17. I am on Google, linked in, YouTube, www. agricultureinformation.Com, Facebook.
18. I am available on 09850597704.

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