Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

Preserved flower production training session.


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If you are a cut flower grower, supplier, distributor and you want to make enter into the business on preserved flowers, here is a golden oppertunity for you.
One of our Delegate is coming from Japan to India, to provide training and development classes about the production techniques of preserved flowers.

The total session will be of 10 days, 5 days of production and 5 days of testing.

The preserved flowers are made from good shaped, fresh cut flowers only . You can keep the flowers for 2-3 years if kept under the room temperature and relatively lower humidity.

The approximate market size in Japan-mostly at major cities is around 1,000 million US dollars and is growing 20-30% over the previous year.
These are also very popular in US and UK markets and hence it is a blooming export business.

The training classes will Include the processing know how of preserved flowers. Upon the training session of 5 days and test production of the flowers, you will be registered as the authorized processor of the Preserved Flowers of Palace Chemicals Japan.

You can either sell it as Single flower or can make a bouquet and then sell it.

The company from Japan will purchase the flowers and assembled flowers from you, depending on the quality of your product.

However there is a huge Demand for preserved flowers in the overseas markets, and you can sell the flowers to those countries.

As preserved flowers can be kept for a longer time then cut flowers, you can export it even months after its manufacture.

Along with that, Royal Aromatix Services will help you for the marketing of your produce in the overseas markets.

Your initial investment will be less than US $4000 + actual expenses for training . This US$4,000 can be used for initial equipments and devices for the production line.

Total fees for attending the seminar is 30,000 Rs. ( 5000 Registration + 25000 Training fees)

Anybody who is Interested can mail your confirmation, so that we can arrange for the session according to that. Limited seats are available, Registration strictly on first come first serve basis.
Please contact....
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Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

farida 6

New Member
flower preserving course

I would love to attend this Course. Please let me know where it will be conducted.I am from Tanzania and would not have an opportunity in My country to attend such course. Please do let me know in good time so i can my travel arrangements and visa.Please reply me by e mail much appreciated.

Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)


New Member
Preserved flower production training session details

Iam very much interested to participate above concept.i request you to please provide training session dates and place etc
Please contact...
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Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)
