poultry famr


kirti s

New Member
Hello Sir
Poultry farming is the practice of raising poultry, such as chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese, as a subcategory of animal husbandry, for the purpose of farming meat or eggs for food. Poultry farming has transformed itself into an organized industry. It plays a major role in the fight against malnutrition and poverty among the rural masses of our country.

Tips for you:You shpuld have
Knowledge of poultry, including how to care for, handle and feed birds.
Care about the health and welfare of the birds.
knowledge of biosecurity practices to keep the birds free of disease farm management and administration skills.
Organisational and planning skills.
Practical skills for doing repair and maintenance work around the farm.
Hardworking and motivated.
Poultry farmers must be fit and healthy, and they should not have asthma or other breathing problems.
