populatry form


kirti s

Well-Known Member
hello Sir
Poultry farming requires an expanse of land. You would also have to procure a large herd of chickens that are more than hundreds in number in order to generate the proper returns in income.
The area depends with the chicken type. 3 sq ft needed for light chicken and 4 sq ft required for general purpose chicken.

30,000 sq ft house is needed for 10,000 chickens, if you prefer cage type shed then the built-up area will be 4000 sq ft to 7500 sq ft depending on the type of cage you use in your poultry farm. Average space needed for a bird in cage type shed is from .4 - .75 sq ft.

The poultry house should be located away from other farm structures. The ground should allow good water drainage. Adequate light fixtures are needed to provide proper light intensity. Adequate light is present if the water and feed levels in the troughs can be seen after allowing enough time for your eyes to adjust to the dim lighting. Fresh, clean water should be available at all times.

The house should allow for plenty of ventilation and sunlight.

Regardless of which production method is used, the 22-week old pullets should be given an increasing daily light schedule after being placed in the laying house.

The length of daily light should be increased 15 minutes each week after the birds enter the laying house. The increased light will stimulate egg production and help maintain production throughout the year.

The day length increases should continue until the birds are receiving 16-18 hours of light each day.

he day length should remain the same for the rest of the laying period.

After the birds begin to produce eggs, the total duration of light, including both natural and artificial, should not be reduced.

The birds should be fed a nutritionally balanced commercial laying mash containing 16 percent protein.

Use a special breeder ration if the eggs are being saved for hatching purposes.

These breeder diets contain higher levels of vitamins that help produce higher hatchability and healthier chicks.

Poultry older than 16-18 weeks do not require a ration containing a coccidiostat unless a coccidiosis outbreak occurs.

If a commercially produced layer ration is provided, additional oyster shell, grit or grain is not needed.


New Member
Dear sir,

Plz let me know your capacity how many birds you like to start with, the most important is Land, water , Electric Power.
and location how far from Village, and your plan, then we can offer yout he project.

thanking you
