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selling of valuble plant

Neem -A Valuable Plant

Neem is a native tree of India, found in every part in India especially in semi-arid conditions. The Neem Tree is an incredible plant that has been declared the "Tree of the 21st century" by the United Nations. In India, it is variously known as "Divine Tree", "Life giving tree", "Nature’s Drugstore", "Village Pharmacy" and "Panacea for all diseases". It is one of the major components in Ayurvedic medicine, which has been practiced in India since many centuries. The neem is an ancient Indian cure-all due to its antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antihistamine and antiseptic properties. The neem leaves, flowers, seeds, roots, bark and fruits are utilized to treat inflammation, infections, skin diseases and for dental care.
Today, neem is becoming an agro-scientific celebrity. It has figured as the priority in seminars and serious agricultural workshops all over the world. Modern western medicine is finally discovering what the ancient Indians have known for thousands of years: that the neem tree has superb pharmaceutical and pesticide controlling qualities. Its effectiveness, availability and safety have made agro-scientists promote cultivation of neem forests. The azadirachton compound in neem has been recognized as an effective insecticide that is biologically selective, not harming the useful pest-predators but keeping almost 250 harmful ones at bay. Scientists recommend coating urea with neem cake to kill nitrifying bacteria. Even water management with neem to control vectors of Japanese encephalitis was the success of neem over DDT.

For enhancing the use of neem HCMS bring different type of product made by neem according their use. These are-:

1) Neem Oil
2) Neem Cake
3) Neem leaves
4) Neem extract
5) Neem pesticides
6) Neem manure

Today HCMS is a leading cultivator of medicinal plants and supplier of the finest and purest neem products to the rest of India and overseas, besides dealing in other essential oils and many varieties of herbs.

Our hallmarks are quality, purity and a constant endeavor to forge mutually beneficial relationships with our clients.

Those who are interested to buy please contact with us

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Neem Oil.

Neem oil and its extracts are one of the most useful by products of the magical tree.

Detailed Description
We are leading ISO 9001 certified Organization is the sector of promotion of medicinal and aromatic plantation.

Neem tree is being grown on a commercial basis in US and other countries such as India, Burma and Australia for use in various industries like agriculture and cosmetic etc.

Neem oil and its extracts are one of the most useful by products of the magical tree.
Neem seed oil is the most effective and is widely used for a large number of applications.
The principle ingredient in Azadirachtin found naturally in neem seed oil is being used the world over for
manufacturing :
Natural Pesticide
Natural Insecticide
Natural Fungicide
Herbal Medicine Industry :
Neem seed, Neem leaf andNeem bark oil is used to manufacture herbal medicines.
It can be used as raw neem oil, oil extract to be used in wide medicinal applications.

If you have any requirement, Kindly give us an opportunity to serve you.

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ORGANIC- NEEM OIL is Available


HCMS are leading ISO 9001 certified Organization is the sector of promotion of medicinal and aromatic plantation. We are leading technology provider for the cultivation of Neem and processing of the Neem Cake and Neem Oil. Currently we are cultivating Neem in 2000 Acre under contractual farming in whole the nation. Whole the Neem is being cultivated under close supervision of our highly trained agriculture technologist. The Neem cultivation has changed lifestyle of our growers.

Components of Neem Oil
• Linoleic Acid - 2.1%
• Various Lower Fatty Acids - 2.3%
• Palmitic Acid - 12.6%
• Stearic Acid - 21.4%
• Oleic Acid - 52.8%

If anyone intreseted to deal in neem oil or other products of neem please contact.

Kindly give us an opportunity to serve you.


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Ashwagandha Powder.

The herb works as a powerful immune booster that helps in fighting any foreign invasion in the body.

Detailed Description

We are leading ISO 9001 certified Organization is the sector of promotion of medicinal and aromatic plantation. We are leading technology provider for the cultivation of Ashwagandha.

Uses & Benefits of Ashwagandha:

* Ashwagandha is beneficial in stress related disorders, like arthritis, hypertension, diabetes, general debility, etc.
* It works as a rasayan that helps in preventing early aging and rejuvenates the whole body.
* The herb is considered as an adaptogen that stimulates the immune system and improves the memory.
* Ashwagandha increases the white blood cell count and prepares the body to produce antigens against different infections and allergies.
* Since it has excellent healing properties, it is greatly effective in healing wounds and injuries.
* Due to its good penetrating powers, the herb promotes calmness and mental satisfaction.
* Ashwagandha helps in increasing the number and quality of sperms.
* It revitalizes the body and decreases untimely fatigue that is caused due to weak body strength, which results from accumulation of negative energies in the body.
* Due to presence of vata-suppressant properties, ashwagandha relieves stress and helps in nurturing nervous system.
* It provides nourishment to the brain for better functioning and greater ability to work.
* Since the herb is a powerful aphrodisiac, it assists in enhancing sexual powers and promotes long-lasting endurance.
* Ashwagandha seeds are used to thicken milk in India.
* It helps in improving mental ability and mental concentration, gaining retaining power and increasing the production of bone marrow.
* The herb works as a powerful immune booster that helps in fighting any foreign invasion in the body.
* Since ashwagandha possesses the properties that suppress kapha, the plant gives good results in leucorrhoea.

If you have any requirement, please contact us.

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Vermi Compost

We are leading ISO 9001 certified Organization is the sector of promotion of medicinal and aromatic plantation. We are leading technology provider for the Vermi Compost. Vermicompost is the excreta of earthworms, which is rich in humus and nutrients. By feeding these earthworms with biomass and watching properly the food (bio-mass) of earthworms, we produce the required quantities of vermicompost.

Advantages of vermicompost:

* Vermicompost is rich in all essential plant nutrients.
* Provides excellent effect on overall plant growth, encourages the growth of new shoots / leaves and improves the quality and shelf life of the produce.
* Vermicompost is free flowing, easy to apply, handle and store and does not have bad odors.
* It improves soil structure, texture, aeration, and water holding capacity and prevents soil erosion.
* Vermicompost is rich in beneficial micro flora such as a fixers, P- solubilizers, cellulose decomposing micro-flora etc in addition to improve soil environment.
* Vermicompost contains earthworm cocoons and increases the population and activity of earthworm in the soil.
* It neutralizes the soil protection.
* It prevents nutrient losses and increases the use efficiency of chemical fertilizers.
* Vermicompost is free from pathogens, toxic elements, weed seeds etc.
* It enhances the decomposition of organic matter in soil.

If you have any requirement, Kindly give us an opportunity to serve you.
Contact Us :

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stevia dry leaves for sale

We, Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society, are a Jaipur based ISO 9001:2000 Certified non government organization. We have been promoting medicinal, horticultural, Jatropha and Aromatic plantation since then and giving time to time input to the farmers from technology to marketing all over India mainly in Rajasthan.

As Stevia leaves are becoming popular globally as a zero calorie natural sweetening agent, HCMS is promoting its cultivation all over world .We have well qualified & experienced technical staff for setting up & monitoring Stevia Cultivation,land development, cultivation procedure, soil and water testing, product formation.

HCMS is a big name in stevia cultivation .If you want to buy best products you can contact us.

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Jatropha Plant

Every parts useful of jatropha plant.

Detailed Description

We are leading ISO 9001 certified Organization is the sector of promotion of medicinal and aromatic plantation. We are leading technology provider for the cultivation of Jatropha.

  • The jatropha plant itself can be used to fight skin diseases, rheumatism and to remedy sores on domestic livestock.
  • The roots of the jatropha have been used as a remedy for snake bites, and the bark produces a dark blue dye used for coloring cloth.
  • Leaves and Twigs Leaves of jatropha are used as a massage material for strained muscles It is used as a brewed tea to combat malaria Jatropha plant twigs are used to clean the teeth. The young leaves of jatropha can be safely eaten by steaming them or cooking it.
  • Powdered jatropha leaves are applied to horses eyes to get rid of the flies since hydrogen cyanide is present in the leaves Flowers Because of HCN the flowers of the jatropha is listed as honey plant Nuts Used as a contraceptive Roots.
  • Root ashes are used as substitute for slat since they contain HCN and Rotenone.
  • Bark of jatropha is used as a fish poison Latex Strongly suppresses the mosaic viruses Shrub Shrubs of jatropha act as a host for the lac insects It is also used for controlling the erosion Apart from the uses, the jatropha plant has many advantages.

If you have any requirement, Kindly give us an opportunity to serve you.

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Aloevera Gel

Acting as a complete nutrition for skin, this Aloe Vera Gel helps in minimizing pigmentation and scars.

Detailed Description

We are leading technology provider for the cultivation of Aloevera and processing of the Aloevera Juice, Aloevera Gel and Aloevera Cosmetic Product. Avail from us an exclusive range of Aloe Vera Gel that is made from pure organic green natural leaves. Free from chemicals, additives and impurities, this Aloe Vera Gel is a multipurpose gel that is apt for applying on external skin only.

Acting as a complete nutrition for skin, this Aloe Vera Gel helps in minimizing pigmentation and scars as well as maintains a fairer complexion.

Health Benefits :
* Soothes the skin injury caused by burn, irritation, cuts, insect bites
* Heals Acne, scars & black patches
* Cure Eczema
* Heals psoriasis Applications :
* Cosmetics Industry
* Toiletry Industry
* Health Care Industry
* Pharmaceutical Industry
* Food & Beverage Industry According to market demand, twenty processing units have already established by us.

Therefore, there is an unlimited market potential in India for the Sanjeevani, of modern times, Aloe Vera.

If you have any requirement, Kindly give us an opportunity to serve you.

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Stevia plant

We offer services to customers to grow high-yielding Stevia Plants with our technological backup.

Detailed Description
Hahnemann charitable mission society 1996, an ISO certified NGO providing consultancy services in the agric sector.

We have been successfully working since 1996, for the large-scale development of organic, aromatic, medicinal and Jatropha plants, in all over India through farmers. HCMS has conducted numbers of awareness,seminars,trainings,campaigns,workshops & education programmes for such plantation& is promoting these cultivation globally too.

We have our own cross-pollination system where we grow developed Stevia Plants. We offer services to customers to grow high-yielding Stevia Plants with our technological backup. Our Stevia plants are of excellent quality and produce up to 3 tons yields per acre per year. Our seeds sprout within 5 days. Our Stevia Plants have an average life of 5 years.Stevioside upto 14%. Very high germination rate. It sprouts within 7 days.

Kindly give us a chance to serve you better services.

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Stevioside white powder

Stevioside white powder

HCMS are leading ISO 9001 certified NGO is the sector of promotion of medicinal and aromatic plantation. We are largest technology provider for the cultivation of stevia and processing of the green stevia leaves into white stevioside powder. Currently we are cultivating stevia in 500 Acre under contractual farming in whole the nation. Whole the stevia is being cultivated under close supervision of our highly trained agriculture technologist. The stevia cultivation has changed lifestyle of our growers.

On the basis of our knowledge and experience today we have established four processing plants of green stevia leaves under consultancy. With the help our business partner Sunrise Agriland Development and Research (p) Ltd, we are offering the products related to stevia. Sunrise Agriland Development and Research (p) Ltd. is a business organization with a strong financial back ground. The organization is having rich experience of 14 years in the sector of medicinal and aromatic plants. The organization is fulfilling the demand related to medicinal plants of all the leading Ayurvedic Medicine manufacturing company in INDIA.

We are offering Stevioside white powder with the help of Sunrise Agriland Development and Research (p) Ltd. With following features...

The white powder is produced from organic green leaves.
The green leaves are harvested from the organic stevia farms.
The leaves are naturally dried.
The powder is produced with the green technology.
The powder is 250-300 time sweeter than normal sugar.
No chemical is used in cultivation and in production.
We have state of art processing unit.
Currently we are processing 14 MT green leaves.
All the material is as per international food standard.
The material is of export quality.
The white powder can directly used in food industry without any processing.
The white stevioside powder helps to reduce the blood pressure
The blood sugar level sharply decreases in diabetic patient.
It is good to use in tooth pest, as it helps in preventing the teeth cavities.
It is a good weapon against obesity
It is calorie free sweetener.
It is natural alternate of sugar.
It is water soluble and colourless after mixing, So it will not change the colour of the product.
It is odourless.
It can be used in sugar free sweetener product, calorie free diet , travel tea dip bags, Ice-cream, juices, cold drinks, soft drinks, Cakes, tooth pest, sweets for diabetic patients, Ayurvedic medicines, Dietary supplement products industry. Over all we can replace the normal sugar and chemical sweetener by Stevioside white powder.....

The product is offered at very competitive rate. HCMS is known for the quality, if you want to know about the quality and check the formulation of the product, you can order today. Currently two packing are available 50 gm packing (for introduction and quality purpose) and 500 gm( for commercial purpose.

please contact for the dealership or distributorship of the white stevioside powder. A lot of other products are also avaialable.

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Stevia Nursery plants available

Stevia Nursery plants available

Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society is leading organization in technology of Stevia cultivation and in stevia processing. The organization is ISO 9001 certified. It is working since 1996.

We have own research farm to the stevia Research, We provide good quality biotechnology plants. We have own nurseries for plantations.

If you want to buy best quality stevia Nursery Plants on reasonable rate, you can contact us.
We HCMS providing you a large range of stevia Nursery Plants with delivery on time at the committed date.

For futher details you can contact us

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stevia dry leaves for sale

We, Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society, are a Jaipur based ISO 9001:2000 Certified non government organization. We have been promoting medicinal, horticultural, Jatropha and Aromatic plantation since then and giving time to time input to the farmers from technology to marketing all over India mainly in Rajasthan.

As Stevia leaves are becoming popular globally as a zero calorie natural sweetening agent, HCMS is promoting its cultivation all over world .We have well qualified & experienced technical staff for setting up & monitoring Stevia Cultivation,land development, cultivation procedure, soil and water testing, product formation.

HCMS is a big name in stevia cultivation .If you want to buy best products you can contact us.


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ORGANIC Neem Manure

Neem based Organic Manure

Neem is a medium sized to large tree characterized by its short, straight bole, furrowed, dark brown to gray bark, and dense rounded crown of pinnate leaves. The Neem seeds, Barks, Leafs, are the sources of various Neem extracts.

HCMS is leading ISO 9001 certified Organization is the sector of promotion of medicinal and aromatic plantation. We are leading technology provider for the cultivation of Neem and processing of the Neem Cake and Neem based Organic Manure. Currently we are cultivating Neem in 2000 Acre under contractual farming in whole the nation. Whole the Neem is being cultivated under close supervision of our highly trained agriculture technologist. The Neem cultivation has changed lifestyle of our growers.


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Neem plantation

HCMS are leading ISO 9001 certified Organization is the sector of promotion of medicinal and aromatic plantation. We are leading technology provider for the cultivation of Neem and processing of the Neem Cake and Neem Oil. Currently we are cultivating Neem in 2000 Acre under contractual farming in whole the nation. Whole the Neem is being cultivated under close supervision of our highly trained agriculture technologist. The Neem cultivation has changed lifestyle of our growers

Contact for neem plantation , be a part of organic revolution. Neem oil, neem manyer , neem leaves powder are harvested and manufactured from neem. Neem manure and Neem Oil available in large quantity. It is good for insect pest protection in plnats. We can supply 100 Mt Neem Manure and 20 Mt Neem oil per per month.It is good for organic cultivation. Neem oil is Bio-degradable it does not leave any residual effect in soil. It is also base of all Bio pesticides


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Neem Cake Powder

We, Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society, are a Jaipur based ISO 9001:2000 Certified non government organization. HCMS is promoting eco friendly & medicinal plantation in all over India & has organized various seminars, workshops & training camps for the purpose.

Products made from Neem have proven medicinal properties, being anthelmintic, antifungal, antidiabetic, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-infertility, and sedative. It is considered a major component in Ayurvedic medicine and is particularly prescribed for skin disease.

We are promoting Neem Cake Powder on large scale and supply. We also provide consultancies on:

 Neem manure
 Organic Neem Cake
 Neem Cake Powder
 Neem Oil

Interested buyers are requested to contact us for their requirements

If you have any queries then please contact us.


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Ashwagandha dry root

Ashwagandha is an evergreen shrub that grows up to the height of 0.5 m to 1.5 m. It is covered by the leaves all round the year. The flowers are hermaphrodite (they have both the male and the female organs) and are greenish yellow in colour. Its fruit and berries are orange -red in colour. Its roots are whitish brown in colour. Aswagandha is a small woody shrub and flowers all the year round.

HCMS are leading ISO 9001 certified Organization is the sector of promotion of medicinal and aromatic plantation. We are leading technology provider for the cultivation of Ashwagandha and processing of the Ashwagandha Dry Roots. Currently we are cultivating Ashwagandha in 500 Acre under contractual farming in whole the nation. Whole the Ashwagandha is being cultivated under close supervision of our highly trained agriculture technologist. The Ashwagandha cultivation has changed lifestyle of our growers.



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jatropha cultivation with buy back arrangements

Hahnemann charitable mission society 1996, an ISO certified NGO is established for the purpose of providing consultancy services in the agric sector.

It has been effectively functioning in promoting medicinal, horticultural ,aromatic & Jatropha plantation.

We have been successfully working for large-scale development of Jatropha plantation in all over India. We are engaged in the actions to endorse Jatropha Bio Diesel Plant Cultivation along with their marketing and development activities.We assist the HCMS’ trained Indian rural farmers in cultivating these plants. Around 10,000 farmers are registered with us on 1200 hectares of Agriland in Rajasthan.

HCMS is effectively functioning in all over India through its professionally skilled team consists of agriculture graduates and agriculture scientists.

HCMS is working on Jatropha Plantation & is full-fledged sufficient in providing Jatropha related services to the established companies.

• Provision of land for Jatropha cultivation
• Provisions of farmers/land on contract basis.
• Provision of Jatropha seeds/seedlings in bulk quantity.
• Provision of machines and equipments for several processes like Trans-Esterification, etc.
• Provision of consultancy services related to land management.

Agriland are available for Jatropha cultivation having following amenities:

• Fully cultivated agriculture land in the state of Rajasthan, India; which is well suitable for Jatropha Curcas cultivation suiting Indian Climate; for
• 1)investment
• 2)cultivation
• 3)bio diesel refineries purpose.

Land Available is minimum 1,000acre to maximum 30,000 acre
Rate for Wasteland:INR 50,000 per acre
Rate for cultivated land:INR 1.5 to 2 Lacs. per acre
Waterlevel-65 ft below the ground level

Why us:

We are providing the consultancy services which, in other case, the buyer may not be getting.
We support Govt. Grants & Project Finances for the buyer.
We provide the buy- back & the marketing facilities.
We make low cost Labour available
Key Words
agriculture,services,consultancy,landdevelopment,l and management,contract farming,medicinal,horticultural,aromatic,jatropha, stevia,cultivation,organic products,organic manure,organic pesticide


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jatropha cake for sale

Available bulk quantity of Jatropha

We, Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society, are a Jaipur based ISO 9001:2000 Certified non government organization. We have been promoting medicinal, horticultural, Jatropha and Aromatic plantation since then and giving time to time input to the farmers from technology to marketing all over India.

We are promoting Bio-diesel fuel all over the world. We can supply bulk quantity of Jatropha plants & providing consultancy on purchasing agriculture land for jatropha cultivation in Rajasthan.

List of Jatropha products which are available at HCMS:
• Jatropha seeds
• Jatropha crude oil
• Jatropha cake

Availability of other product and services:

• Organic Manure and pesticides
• Other medicinal and Aromatic plants
• Dairy development services
• Paid Consultancy services for plants from Cultivation to up to its marketing
• Vocational Training Program

Please send us, your queries and requirement


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Jatropha baby plants available

HCMS are leading ISO 9001 certified Organization is the sector of promotion of medicinal and aromatic plantation. We are leading technology provider for the cultivation of Jatropha and processing of the Jatropha oil and Jatropha Cake. Currently we are cultivating Jatropha in 2000 Acre under contractual farming in whole the nation. Whole the Jatropha is being cultivated under close supervision of our highly trained agriculture technologist. The Jatropha cultivation has changed lifestyle of our growers.

On the basis of our knowledge and experience today we have established five oil extraction processing plants of Jatropha under consultancy. With the help our business partner Sunrise Agriland Development and Research (p) Ltd, we are offering the products related to Jatropha. Sunrise Agriland Development and Research (p) Ltd. is a business organization with a strong financial back ground. The organization is having rich experience of 14 years in the sector of medicinal and aromatic plants. The organization is fulfilling the demand related to medicinal plants of all the leading Ayurvedic Medicine manufacturing company in INDIA.

We have been promoting medicinal, horticultural, Jatropha and Aromatic plantation since then and giving time to time input to the farmers from technology to marketing all over India.

The jatropha plant itself can be used to fight skin diseases, rheumatism and to remedy sores on domestic livestock. The roots of the jatropha have been used as a remedy for snake bites, and the bark produces a dark blue dye used for coloring cloth.
Leaves and Twigs

Leaves of jatropha are used as a massage material for strained muscles

It is used as a brewed tea to combat malaria

Jatropha plant twigs are used to clean the teeth

The young leaves of jatropha can be safely eaten by steaming them or cooking it.

Powdered jatropha leaves are applied to horses eyes to get rid of the flies since hydrogen cyanide is present in the leaves

Because of HCN the flowers of the jatropha is listed as honey plant

Used as a contraceptive

Root ashes are used as substitute for slat since they contain HCN and Rotenone.

Bark of jatropha is used as a fish poison

Strongly suppresses the mosaic viruses

Shrubs of jatropha act as a host for the lac insects

It is also used for controlling the erosion

Apart from the uses, the jatropha plant has many advantages.

If you have any requirement....
Kindly give us an opportunity to serve you

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Jatropha oil available

JATROPHA OIL ( BIO-FEUL) is available
HCMS are leading ISO 9001 certified Organization is the sector of promotion of medicinal and aromatic plantation. We are leading technology provider for the cultivation of Jatropha and processing of the Jatropha oil and Jatropha Cake. Currently we are cultivating Jatropha in 2000 Acre under contractual farming in whole the nation. Whole the Jatropha is being cultivated under close supervision of our highly trained agriculture technologist. The Jatropha cultivation has changed lifestyle of ourgrowers.

On the basis of our knowledge and experience today we have established five oil extraction processing plants of Jatropha under consultancy. With the help our business partner Sunrise Agriland Development and Research (p) Ltd, we are offering the products related to Jatropha. Sunrise Agriland Development and Research (p) Ltd. is a business organization with a strong financial back ground. The organization is having rich experience of 14 years in the sector of medicinal and aromatic plants. The organization is fulfilling the demand related to medicinal plants of all the leading Ayurvedic Medicine manufacturing company in INDIA

We are welcoming those person who are intrested to deal in Jatropha oil and Jatropha Cake.


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