Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)


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Organic Lemon grass is a perennial plant that is native to India ; it has a light, lemony scent and flavor, with a hint of ginger. Lemon grass is one of the wondrous herbs; it is very useful as medicinal plant and a delicious food flavoring.

Health Benefits of Organic Lemon Grass:

It contains an antibacterial and antifungal properties.
It helps to detoxify the liver, pancreas, kidney, bladder and the digestive tract.
Helps boost the immune system.
Helps reduce uric acid, cholesterol, excess fats.
It helps alleviates indigestion and gastroenteritis.
Helps improve the skin by reducing acne and pimples.
It helps tone the muscle and tissues.
Helps in menstrual troubles.
Helps reduce blood pressure and improve blood circulation.
Helps reduce cellulite.
Act as sedative for the central nervous system.
May help prevent colon cancer.
Helps in reducing fevers.
Help in flatulence and colic.
Relieves arthritic pain and rheumatism.

To know more about lemon grass please contact us:
Mr. Prashant Chaturvedi (Marketing Head) - 08107379410

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Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)
