Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

Need guidance for oyster mushroom start-up


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Wanna start an Oyster mushroom farm. What is the min land requirement along with the cultivation requirement .

We have no idea abt the farming ...can we do that .

Dr. S.Awasthi .

Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)


Active Member
Hello Mr. Awasthi,

We are running an organisation of consultancy & Advisory (EcolAgro Venture Pvt Ltd) dealing in all food processing and agribiz.Provide assistance in starting and buildingup of small range of businesses to big one.Also we are pioneer in Cultivation and Research in all type of edible & medicinal mushroom.Our researches are popular now a days and many people availing benefits from these researches.We contracting composting period of 45 days to 10 days.Our consulting services focus on efficiency,quality and productivity through innovative solutions and latest technology.

Our Consultancy Services include all below aspects also:

Guidance in Business Prospects / Investment Opportunities
Project Plan and Report

Fodder Management
Feed and Nutrition Management
Mushroom Cultivation
Microbial Culture
Waste Management
Cold Storage/CA chamber

EcolAgro Venture Pvt.Ltd
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Mail Id:
Cell: 07544012577, 9260995976
Landline: 0522-2347200

Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)


New Member
Oyster mushroom is easy to grow and rich in protein content. It has good prospects in time to come. In the beginning, it is always better to go in for low cost infrastructure because then the focus could be on mastering the skills to produce high-quality mushroom instead of selling to have quick return on investment. Moreover, if the quality of the product is good then selling happens on its own!

The infrastructure requirement is shed and mushroom beds. As the main prerequisite of oyster farming is maintaining the temperature 18-28 degree I recommend the low-cost structure made up of bamboo and walls covered with jute bags. It really works as I am growing oyster mushroom successfully in my farm for past one year in a bamboo based shed in Navsari district, Gujarat. In our region we have water scarcity and temperature is always high! Therefore to bring down the temperature inside the shed where we grow oyster mushroom we have jutes bags on the wall on all four sides of the shed. We spray water on the jute twice in a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. However in the summers when the temperature is really high we spray water in afternoon too. With this we are able to maintain the temperature between 18-28 degree Celsius.

Once the shed is ready, mushroom beds need to be prepared for cultivation. I am using 2*2 feet beds made up wheat or rice straw. It is a low cost material and available easily. Next requirement for oyster mushroom farming is good quality of spawn. There are many mushroom spawns growing laboratories well equipped for regular supply the spawns. Usually oyster mushroom spawns are available at Rs. 110-120/kg. In 2*2 feet bed approximately 200 gram spawns are transplanted. It requires watering twice a day and after 18-20 days it is ready for harvest. With one kg of spawn almost 9-10 kg mushrooms are produced.

Mushroom harvesting is referred as ‘flush’. First flush in oyster mushroom is obtained in 18-20 days, 2nd flush after 3 days, 3rd flush after 5 days and 4th flush after 7 days. Later than 7 days the quality of mushroom deteriorates and size reduces. Hence it is better to stop the harvest after 4th flush. Post-harvesting beds are turned into compost through vermicompost procedure. Hence nothing is waste in this farming model. It is beneficial at every step.

These days consumers are aware of button mushroom but totally ignorant that it is not healthy because it is produced using chemicals. On the contrary oyster mushrooms are grown organically and rich in protein content. Therefore consumers need to be educated on healthy benefits on consuming oyster mushroom. It might take some time to push the demand but if the quality of the product is good sales will pick for sure.

Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)
