Lemon Grass, oil in bulk quantity (HCMS)



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Lemon grass is widely used as an herb in Asian (particularly Hmong, Khmer, Thai, Lao, Philippines, Sri Lankan, and Vietnamese) and Caribbean cooking. The stalk itself is too hard to be eating, except for the soft inner part. However, it can be finely sliced and added to recipes. It may also bruised and added whole as these releases the aromatic oils from the juice sacs in the stalk. The main constituent of lemongrass oil is citral.

Lemon grass commonly used in teas, soups, and curries. It is also suitable for poultry, fish, and seafood. It is often used as a tea in African countries (e.g. Togo).East-Indian Lemon Grass (Cymbopogon flexuosus), also called Cochin Grass or Malabar Grass, is native to Cambodia, India, Sri Lanka, Burma, and Thailand while the West-Indian lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus) is assumed to have its origins in Malaysia. While both can used interchangeably, Citratus is more suited for cooking. In India, C. Citratus is use both as a medical herb and in perfumes.
The grass considered a diuretic, tonic, and stimulant. A preparation of lemon grass with pepper has used for relief of menstrual troubles and nausea. It induces perspiration, to cool the body and reduce a fever. It is well know a mild insect repellent (citronella) and the essential oil used in perfumery. Lemon grass is also use commercially as the lemon scent in many products including soaps, perfumes, and candles. A related plant, (Cymbopogon nardus) is the ingredient in citronella candles sold to ward off mosquitoes and other insects.

• Reducing fevers
• Stomach cramps
• Flatulence and colic
• Easing arthritic pain
• General digestive aid
• Especially suited for digestive problems in children.
we are supplying Lemon Grass on large scale. Interested buyers are requested to contact Mr.Prashant Chaturvedi (8107379410) for their requirement.
If you have any queries then please visit our website HCMS

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