***Issues in goat farming****Selling goats



New Member
Hello Everyone,
One of my friend asked this question ,please help him

"I heard that the chennai corporation had banned slaughtering Goats in meat shop, it needs to slaughtered only through the authorized Slaughtering houses with the approval of a vet that the goat is in good health. If the corporation comes to know that the goats are slaughtered by butchers in meat shop, the goats will be seized.

When we want to sell our goats for meat purpose, it needs to be sold through slaughtering houses( as there is above rules), from there the meat shops will buy the meat and sell it to retailers (end user).

When consulted the famous slaughtering houses in chennai to sell the goat, they are ready to take the goat by considering only the meat weight. I mean they say even though the live weight is 20 Kg, they will consider only the goat weight as 10 kg and will charge for the weight in the price of Rs. 230 (10 kg x 230 Rs = 2300). Atleast if they charge this 10 kg in the rate given to end user (Rs. 500), it will be helpful for us. But they are ready to buy only at Rs. 230 that to not on live weight.

So I'm wondering at what rate you are selling goats for meat purposes??

It is not possible to sell all the goats for breeding.

The percentage to sell the goats for breeding is very low. The percentage of people starts farm is very low as there is a need of investment.

If you consider the time, fodder cultivation cost , concentrate food cost, labour salary in a goat farm for 110 goats with kids, the profit will be very less for a year even if you sell 400 goats. it will be only around 4-5 lakhs.

Also, when tried to sell the goats to the meat shops where they cut (slaughter) the goats by their own (without the knowledge of governement) in chennai. They wants the goats that are only 8-10 Kgs in weight.
They says our customers want a tender meat if we buy the goat which is 20 Kgs (even though it has 2 teeth)it will not be tender. I saw the live goats in the many shops they are only 8- 10 kgs.

Please advise me how you manage things (exclude goat sales for breeding)."



New Member
Goat farmers, experts!!

Please let me know the price at which you are selling goats for meat purpose at your place. Everyone can't sell goats for breeding. If a farmer sells his goat in the above mentioned way, he will surely end up in losses. Please guide me as I'm about to start my own farm soon.

Thank you


Well-Known Member
Dear chandhus2227,
Yes Government of India's slaughtering rules,Only for metro cities not for all cities(even though it is applicable for other cities its not being implemented strictly from last 18 years), to slaughter any animal not only goats,all other animals which are used for meat purpose (except birds) has to be slaughter in a government slaughtering house or in a registered slaughtering house,for proper sanitation and proper disposal of wastes to keep the city clean.Also certificate of an healthy animal is required to ensure that people are getting meat of an healthy animal and not the diseased one.This is an former rule but it has been strictly applicable nowadays.Also you will not find these condition in other districts,cities or villages.

The person(slaughtering house) to whom you have spoken has given you an incorrect information.Presently April 2015,the average meat price is 400rs(slight higher than this in metros,municipal corporations,and district levels,lower in villages).Means if butcher(slaughter house men) is getting avg 10 kg of meat,than he gets 4000rs from that by selling it.A single butcher in cities slaughters average of 4 goats for meat daily,except sunday(on sunday number of slaughtering goats is higher as compare to other days).As per you if they are buying the animals for 2300 of 10kgs an d selling them for 4000 then,means they are earning 1700rs for a single goat,avg for 4 goats 6800 for one day and for one month2,04,000 rs which is higher than An IAS officers or ministers Salary.So the concept of buying 20 kg goat,by considering it as 10 kg meat for 230 rs is totally false.
Goats are being sold for slaughtering purposes at an avg live weight of 18kg-25kg,as these goats have tender meat quality,Goats above these weight will not have the tender meat quality so butchers generally doesnt buys it.Local markets has huge demand for these slaughtering goats.In India,goats have vast demand for slaughtering purpose in any part of country,as human population is increasing day by day and the goat population has declined(even it is not same every year) due to many reasons.Hence the meat prices are hiking every year.You can check your areas last years meat prices and this years meat price,you will find an huge hike.This will continue for next 25-30yrs,as the rate of growing human population is vast as compare to availability and supply of goats for meat purpose.
It is always advisable to sell meat goats in local markets to butchers and not to slaughter houses.Every time there is hike in local markets a butchers are not getting enough goats for slaughtering,as they have great demand in their shops.
In Present and future days Goat Farming Has a Vast Scope in India,and it is the most feasible bossiness nowadays and in future,but have to be done skillfully by taking all scientific knowledge and essential practical training.
International Goat Farm Expert


New Member
Rightly Explained by Dr.Shaikh.
From 18 kg of live weight meat cutters gets 10 kg of lean meat.these goats are sold as per our local meat price.In our area meat is 480rs/kg so it is being sold for 4800rs.When you calculte it liveby weight, means for 18 kg it is 266rs/kg live weight.Butchers are not buying onlive weight basis,they buy on piece basis.Also to sale on piece basisi it is profitable as we get higher money by bargaining,even though it is low weighted as sometime butchers fails to calcultae the weight by placing hand on goats.
In our area last year meat price was 340rs/kg and two years back 280rs.I dont know how the meat price was increasing very rapidly.Now i know its due to growing human popultaion,as explain by DR.Shaikh.


Well-Known Member
Dear greente,
Yes rightly said,if the meat weight of goat is 10kg then its being sold at your local areas meat prices,means at the rate of 10 kg meat price.Farmers who are breeding goats in smaller scale,in villages are very clever,they keeps the update on current meat prices and they doesn't sale goats to butchers or any others, below that rates,even some time they sold at very high rates which are beyond meat prices,by bargaining method.Also they wont sale the goats on live weight basisi as they knows they will receive lesser prices,as compare too that sold on per piece basis and on other hand butchers wont purchase on live weight,as they feels they will be in loss if they purchase on live weight basis.To purchase the goats on per piece basis,is from their grand fathers and they don't want to break that custom,their mind is not set to buy on live weight basis and in no case they wont want to listen others or have to change their custom.
Now another one thing as said by greente,that if goat of 10kg is sold on meat prices,for example 480rs/kg is meat price then 10 kg meat goat will cost 4800,if butcher has purchase this live goat for 4800 and by selling its meat he earns 4800,then what will be his profit?Lots of readers will confuse and want to know that-how the butchers earns their daily wages if they gets 4800 rs by selling goat meat in their shop which has been brought from local market for 4800rs at avg price.
The answer to this confusion is here-
Butchers earns their daily wages or profit by selling the skin of slaughter goat(150rs-200rs),by selling head and four legs of goat(300rs),by selling intestine(200rs/kg),the sum of these three is around 650rs-700rs,this means that by slaughtering one goat butchers earns at least 500rs per goat.Their income depends on number of goats that are being slaughter per day in their shops.
The meat prices will increase year by year as human population increases and so the profit rate.


New Member
Nicely explained.DR.shaikh I realy like your postings regarding goat farming as you have deep and extreme knowledge on goat farming.Thank you Dr.shaikh for your marvellous posts for new fellows who wants to start a new business of goat farming.


New Member
Dear Sir,

Now i staring goat farming in Kolhapur district. I want to know what is market price of Live Osmanabi goat. Can you give me name & phone no. of purchaser who want to by the live goat
